娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

發表於 2004-12-7 07:28 PM


mc121 發表於 2004-12-7 07:29 PM


Dr.anger 發表於 2004-12-7 09:12 PM

唔好食太多M記呀。有冇人有睇super size me呀??條鬼佬食左一個月之後,佢"細佬"攪極都冇乜反應呀。

svtgtityper 發表於 2004-12-7 09:31 PM

Canada MacDonald Pay/hour: $36 - $42

So suck if you work in Hong Kong MacDonald!  :twisted:

research2005010 發表於 2004-12-11 10:10 PM




jackyliem 發表於 2004-12-13 08:57 AM

yea. actually those meet are D grade. (A grade are those steak you have in other high class resteraunt).

fatkinglet 發表於 2004-12-14 01:16 PM

Canada MacDonald Pay/hour: $36 - $42

So suck if you work in Hong Kong MacDonald

Shut the fuck up svtgtityper!!!!!!! Mac only pays the minimum wage for new employees at which is $7 Canadian and if you get lucky you will get a nickle raise every 6 month. My friend is a manager and he only makes around $9 a hour and there is a limit around $10 too.

(SOS) 發表於 2004-12-14 03:00 PM

係大陸既M 記 個個省份都唔同價架quote][quotefrom="admin"]="admin"]前幾年上大陸做野, 發覺大陸m記d餐全部2十幾元...
唔知呢幾年情況係點, 冇上大陸好耐了.[/quote]

Mikoyab 發表於 2005-1-27 11:27 AM

[quote][quotefrom="henry2k"]i am a sales in the US, and in out store, every price tap has a word " only" no matter how much it is.

so if we sale a piece of cord for $20, we'll price: only 20[/quote]

ya that's a marketing strategy
有時明明件product想賣$20, 但係又陰陰濕濕咁寫 $19.99 ONLY
等你有種錯覺"都係十幾蚊je" ....咁就中計啦...

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