3com/sercom/practical/buffalo寬頻分享器 之經驗
3com/sercom/practical/buffalo寬頻分享器 之經驗1. practical 400S- switching power supply 5V2A, all metal case, quite hot, about 2month halt one time
2. buffalo BLR3-TX4L - switching power supply, all plastic case, not hot, but one week halt one time!
3. sercom IP505LM- no-switching power 5V2A, all metal case, quite hot, the admin web interface's response is terrible slow, when running SSH ,high packet delay and don't know why.
4. 3com 3c857 - no-switching power supply12V1A, bottom metal case and upper are plastic, not hot, the admin web interface' response is the FASTEST I have ever experience. used only 2 day, should see if it's the bestest one.
All can sustain at 10Mbps WAN->LAN with hkbn and HGC
notes: 3com and sercom use the same chips, conxent 84100-11. but they use different PS voltage and the heat generated are a great different. 哦!原來係咁? 咁積係邊隻好D? 有冇人用過Zyxel 324, 我想知佢表現如何。 因之前用過好多BBR但係每一隻都有問題(pci-04fx, surecom4504ax, buffalo, level-one, sercom 505)所以現在想轉Zyxel324,但係都幾貴。所以想請教各高人,指路指路。
多謝! 您每一隻遇到的問題是什麼,
謝謝 pci-04fx - 我到現在用咁多隻,最喜愛都係佢。stable & reliable,功能夠,須然佢冇port range forward(市面好多隻BBR都有),但係佢有wake-up-on-lan(其他BBR好多都冇)。但係佢同”和記”vdsl-pppoe寬頻唔多合拍(因我由pccw -> hgc)。唔知點解,smtp packet由internet入intranet會有lost現象,多數發生在個email大過50KByte。已經回個廠(指香港ect)一個月(sep-2003)。但他們都話幫唔到我,所以先至想換。
buffalo BLR3-TX4L - 我由買到用到取回黃金換,前後不到3小時,佢係我用咁多隻BBR裡,firmware最糞一隻(看清潔,只是firmware,不是hardware,當然是到aug-2003,因之後可能有新firmware)。佢衰在我手只得一樣野,但足以至命,就係佢不能夠set class A network,即不能用10.x.x.x,佢會prompt你,話你incorrect。問你死未,我取回黃金,同個sales講,你唔會要我張成個network ip & subnet轉曬來就佢瓜。佢試左大約10分鐘,之後就換左比我。