大家一日大約訓到幾多個鐘?+~Ob4{sd m4m@1{5M+gi1m ]{_Cs
[[i] Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-9 at 04:14 PM [/i]] 平日多數訓6粒鐘多d...pH(Z1S,X#w-@8[
禮拜6晚就會訓8-9粒:) 5個鐘到啦!:D
返工化妝用勁多遮瑕膏呀!:D If I am free, I might sleep for 12 to 15 hours 一時3/4個, 一時15/16個, 睇下咩時間囉:D [quote]Originally posted by [i]Lincoln[/i] at 2005-4-20 01:06 AM:~ ]!oja4z7W$^
返工化妝用勁多遮瑕膏呀!:D [/quote]:nI0G%R2H T_U
of course 熊貓 lan:AK,QyK(j
8 hours is normal8g'pFws~D
5 hours is not enough 我平日最多7個鐘..多野做時會得2個鐘訓 [quote]Originally posted by [i]Rika[/i] at 2005-4-20 01:08 AM:'c:|w0\%s u1` G:H K
of course 熊貓 la
8 hours is normal
5 hours is not enough [/quote]
有時瞓唔到呀!:D [quote]Originally posted by [i]Lincoln[/i] at 2005-4-20 01:13 AM:9H!~;fAb?8b$t,d
有時瞓唔到呀!:D [/quote])JT c V0v}LL;LT4\
1L'V&^ m!j1z3^
Living with boyfriend, this is reasonable why you can't sleep. haha~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]Rika[/i] at 2005-4-20 01:37 AM:
m:G9hgN ^6h9k2Xi.^
Living with boyfriend, this is reasonable why you can't sleep. haha~ [/quote]
“奶”想講乜呀!:D 多數5-6個鐘左右, 放假就10+個鐘. 食飽打炮唔訓覺:P [quote]Originally posted by [i]Lincoln[/i] at 2005-4-20 01:50 AM:
2G| L2^?1l@a
“奶”想講乜呀!:D [/quote]utT+m5K.W/wqIX
hahaha~~ It's OK.
Let your boyfriend know you don't have enough sleep.
He might plan to finish all the activities earlier for youo%H[5l3lgsr
So you can go to bed earlier after that sleep earlier
Living together must look after each other 3-4 5-6
不過我聽朝要9點起身...e+ 5:45uy'N4?C[/HZLz.us$I
訓得3-4個鐘:P 3-4個鐘到啦.....放假未訓耐D囉 星期一至五通常就訓5-6個鐘~~~_0B9P)VmE7A
星期六至日就可以訓到我想起身為止:P 一日睡眠7-8粒鐘,Z,fI"q8dTE+G Y Y
haha~~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]sfxc0000[/i] at 2005-4-20 10:46 AM:yV@#^ocPp(y}
星期一至五通常就訓5-6個鐘~~~{X M)d/sW+~-k+^
星期六至日就可以訓到我想起身為止:P [/quote]T5DL"Gj3_w3k2FS7?
me too~ :D 星期一至日都係訓5-6個鐘