唔知佢地可唔可以贏熱火呢??????????????????? [u][b][size=6][color=Red]可以[/color][/size][/b][/u]
係咪係時候要出個個 playoff series 賽果個個 game?
[[i] Last edited by kyleung on 2005-4-21 at 10:24 AM [/i]] [size=6][color=Orange]also 可以[/color][/size] support~~ :D 哈哈, 正呀
同O'Neal和Wade鬥 ai.... Cavaliers >_< 原來 carter 今日開波冇俾肥獲加整傷左
唔知有冇手尾跟 幫手造低熱廢:lol:
咁76仔過到第一關就有機打決賽:lol::D:o:( (發夢中) [quote]Originally posted by [i]crap[/i] at 2005-4-21 01:00 PM:
咁76仔過到第一關就有機打決賽:lol::D:o:( (發夢中) [/quote]
希望可以啦 =.=
[[i] Last edited by sfxc0000 on 2005-4-21 at 01:43 PM [/i]] 不過 nets 有 6 票喎;););) 籃網擊敗塞爾特人順利晉身季後賽:)
騎士季後賽之夢再度落空:( is this a joke?..... [quote]Originally posted by [i]pakho[/i] at 2005-4-21 03:41 PM:
騎士季後賽之夢再度落空:( [/quote]
james連續兩年入唔到playoff,Anthony 就連入兩年。真係宿命?james的命運。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]kyleung[/i] at 2005-4-21 01:41 PM:
不過 nets 有 6 票喎;););) [/quote]
Now bobby jackson is back, I think Kings still a chance to win champion even the chance is lower than Suns, Spurs ,or Heat. What do you think? I think Clifford Robinson is so important in the NETS now!! I hope NETS can win 2games in this series. [quote]Originally posted by [i]netsee[/i] at 2005-4-23 12:46 AM:Now bobby jackson is back, I think Kings still a chance to win champion even the chance is lower than Suns, Spurs ,or Heat. What do you think? [/quote]
其實入得季後賽既球隊,今屆既實力都幾接近,由其係西岸既實力。所以我就認為今屆未必由馬刺、太陽呢兩隊頂頭出線總決賽,當然帝皇都有唔少既機會,至少第一圈應可輕鬆晉級。 忽發其想
如果 jefferson 復出其實可以搵佢打 PF
jefferson d 籃板其實都唔係差 ( 同 haslem matchup 都只不過矮一吋)
同埋而家 nets 個後場個 form run 得幾好
俾 carter 一場射 20 幾 30 球
佢總會俾返 30 幾 40 分你 ( 佢真係好少失準, 唔似得 ai tmac kobe pierce 個 d 有時射 20 幾球中得幾球 ) 但是如果隊波是順的就唔應該搵人
搵jefferson做第六人好像穩陣d That's the current plan from Frank... RJ will be coming off bench.