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crap 發表於 2005-4-26 12:12 AM


`6A JIO$}R!`8A Xc VY|9zo |b
[quote]留美家教變三隻手! 父親大義滅親
+x1|$Q NL
`O f6c TN^X 台北市一名曾留學美、日等國的家教老師,因為擔任外語家教老師,結交不少企業界小開,沒想到養成奢侈習性,又交上拜金女友,欠下200多萬元信用卡債,居然鋌而走險淪為小偷,趁逛精品店時偷竊皮包,再盜刷被害人信用卡,犯案50多起,最後父親大義滅親,舉發兒子犯行,全案才曝光。
(og7?%c8x&W^"h1u 2BV3t1|y0J M4K9`
台北市刑大偵一隊查獲一堆名牌皮包,都是盜刷別人的信用卡,苦主則是另一排證件的主人,信用卡證件被偷,還被盜刷買精品,氣的直跳腳,被害人超過50人,最後是嫌犯父親看不過去,主動向警方報案,抓自己的孩子。 [/quote]`D(s3Vd cX
[quote]老爸改槍 兒子密告  
u#U$\ei U#[_ ?2i   
-n8`3@Wy5hZn 新竹一位地主竟然將千萬豪宅出租,作為地下兵工廠,和人合夥改造槍枝販賣牟利,屋主的兒子看不過去,大義滅親,向警方檢舉,屋主和租屋的三名嫌犯通通被移送法辦。,{-B,xi:s/P!}:E
f o4~|-Z
US9Q6M*B$DU 竹北這棟四樓透天別墅,出入非富及貴,警方破獲豪宅兵工廠,靠的還是屋主20多歲的兒子大義滅親。老爸被抓,他低調回家,富不過三代,希望靠著祖產發達的爸爸,年老別再走歪路。 [/quote]
$p4?d0{a"l 兩件事的主角都係父親及兒子, 但角色倒轉了, 事件的性質也不同, 大家覺得他們做得對嗎?+wK J"w&qQ%d&w
w{@_-\RV7Di G
如果事情發生在大家身上, 大家知道自己既親人(最親果d)做左錯事, 大家會指證他們嗎 ?U$s%a_)o1gr4W
i!]#@R&ip,OD 但非事件愈嚴重愈會指證, 反而是愈包庇,
-BW!H^B-SF 大家既觀點又如何? 不妨討論一下:D
wL K8C/T [[i] Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-6 at 11:01 AM [/i]]

JCer 發表於 2005-4-26 12:37 AM

當然無d咁既事發生起我身上np k3W.j
如果有, 我會睇下個嚴重性...
3]tAL2Z"Ot 如果小事就告發, 大事就包庇...
/@s|)\2z"e0? 原因係:
\ B,DM$Lz9^ 如果件事係小事,就要把握呢個機會比一個教訓佢(受一個小懲罰,得一個大教訓)等佢見過鬼怕黑, 從而行返上正路...
Eub-B Zxr 但如果係大件事, 我會唔忍心我親人去受大既懲罰...我只會叫佢收手...

本篤十六世 發表於 2005-4-26 12:49 AM



Rika 發表於 2005-4-26 01:23 AM

If I'm dad, for little thing, I will teach my son. I will tell him what is right, what is wrong. I have responsibility to educate him. Human should be able to understand and identify right and wrong. For huge thing like illegal activity, and he seems not able to understand right and wrong, I cannot stop it and make him to understand what is happening. I need some help from police. I cannot leave him to keep doing wrong thing and harm other people/society. If he is involved in crime, court will give him the most fair punish (hopefully)
rp6V~1T-Q;f!s J9{1~p$QcX
If I'm son, first of all, I will talk with my dad and family. Solve the problem before get involved in crime. Unfortunately, if he already has involved in crime, we need help from police if he doesn't has guilty and he doesn't mean to stop. At the end, we need some help from police because it's already out of our control.kZ5} Y-ohb!\[
In reality, I don't think I can really call the police to catch any members in my family
[(}pC@ 大義滅親 is quite ideal. It is not involved just one or two factors. Background of the family, relationship in the family, education level of the family.There is too many thing that we need to think before decide to 大義滅親. Normally, the reason why doing wrong thing is most important in this kind of case. I can tell only brave people can do it

hk853 發表於 2005-4-26 04:15 AM

1^s4x)z)v A~ _2e;PsX 就算再犯,都唔會指證佢地,無謂為左d小事傷感情,等警察捉佢地至算T6? ~z(gf&hH,Q
\,MKUG4i5X 通常犯依d事都唔係一念之差,個人已經失去常性
!h+Gf+Q4W#kd Rn 我會大義滅親,對佢,對我,對個社會都係好事"|)y)MG X@

sfxc0000 發表於 2005-4-26 10:45 AM

x l$U)} `.G.Ay-YQC 我會首先睇情況才選擇大義滅親或否~~~Vy"@k&g{0m0]3k~
如果兒子所犯之事係好嚴重,好似殺人放火咁~~g } xBWA
|+v0?DE8rwL 話晒都係自己個仔, 呢d事可能會影響佢一生前途o麻~~z)j[~WF#^@ XIa
而o係兒子的立場(即係我e+ o既立場)
.pYo4l+m0_?? 我諗我無論佢犯大小事都可能會包庇佢~~
O.S+{8G^1` 最多只會警惕下佢, 希望佢回頭是回岸~~[.K.o3r0ko
因為話晒佢都將我養大成人, 如果我去告發佢,我可能會於心不忍~~

yuzhiliang111 發表於 2005-4-26 11:34 AM

7r4|o%yJ,|,^5olqz     老實說真的很難下決心,因爲這不只是對錯問題。要知道任何事情加上了感情因素在裏面的話就會變複雜了。你們說呢?

singdotcom 發表於 2005-4-27 12:03 AM

唉, 我呢d硬唔起心腸嘅人, 都只係可以勸佢收手, 佢唔聽我都冇佢符架啦.

Lincoln 發表於 2005-4-27 01:21 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]singdotcom[/i] at 2005-4-27 12:03 AM:k[s"BBF)u:u)Hr
唉, 我呢d硬唔起心腸嘅人, 都只係可以勸佢收手, 佢唔聽我都冇佢符架啦. [/quote]e"W9j mX_6Ol
我都係呀!:(gl&?%ghLY L
B K7S"e+V"| 可能會走咗出去,:(~JE/dU L!zb

ming8964 發表於 2005-4-27 01:20 PM


一定會!!! 不在乎親疏,只在乎對錯!!!%k,mKE#p+Qg
每個人都必須為自己所作的事, 負上最終責任, 無人可例外, 包括自己在內!!!
}v)b[S/? a;N 現代社會最大問題, 人人只知有權利, 不知有義務和責任, 出了事總是其他人的錯, 例如每當社會上出了一些觸目的青少年不當行徑, 那些專家總是把責任推到家庭,學校,社會和政府身上, 那些青少年反而只是受害者, 不需負上任何責任, 這是何等的荒謬!!!

大家樂1234 發表於 2005-4-27 01:31 PM

xX2G7A ?2V 假如仍不知悔改就要佢負上法律責任
_/~!|gv*q8soA$b 回頭是岸

jason williams 發表於 2005-4-27 02:01 PM

in fact, under this situation, we really would not be so intellective sometimes, that means we will solve it in a little bit "9" way
r)m{ UmvR^ consider in the following (not in order): z q^8tC8L
~ ?t \Y`
1st, how close the relationship we are?
ZV @cojc.PQ 2nd, how serious he/she has done?
d/d8fE&Iz 3rd, would it affect other seriouly after i help/not help him?6kE0G+yg]a gT
4th, even worst problem he/she has made, why he/she did it? any good excuse?
1\jL!NAcr 3@/L|/dpI N:NY
for me:
K$L u/g8b].m i i may ask my "good heart" first, that means i may 大義滅親 if they have done a serious problem, just like murder because this is gd way for they to self-questioning and searching, also this is a 交代 to the victim.
X6R1dPe0t/L$oe-f but if they have a very good excuse, just like self protection, then i may advice them to surrender, because their crime can be understood under Law (just like HK this kind of place with gd law situation)
D1v0j;u6Q4W7l but for some situations just like murder in China, smuggle of drugs in thai land, than they must die, then i may help them to cop, but sure they should have a very good excus for me to help !!!#~{cG;h$q
E4o a#rG
but whatever, i think we should put our 良心 first b4 doing anything and need to 將心比己!!!

wer 發表於 2005-4-27 07:47 PM


aiqidejiao 發表於 2005-4-28 03:46 AM


老鬼X 發表於 2005-5-1 06:35 PM

觀點/角度 好難答

jennifer 發表於 2005-5-11 12:29 PM

不能比成我了,就事论事吧,因果关系,所谓大义灭亲,这个大义是指大局,大事,大众的利益来看。所以舍弃亲情,来用法律或善恶惩罚来对待亲人,第一个例子呢,我认做得对,这算是大义救亲吧,小偷小摸终会铸成大错,在大错之前,绳之亲子,算是救他,助他而已,谈不上灭,可能是父亲一片苦心。 @5RJ;J f|&}
第二个呢,是小义灭亲吧,这个小义是指怕连累自己,拖累家人,而举报,如仅仅为了减少对社会危险,那么方式不局限于报警这个极端手法。#t,c-oL*T(`7r0JA C

ricojohny 發表於 2005-5-11 06:45 PM

無論要滅邊個 h5l~T!u;S

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