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仙道 發表於 2005-4-27 12:05 AM

【日本音樂頻道】凝聚東洋力量 至In潮流盡在其中

This channel is for everyone who LOVES !!! Japanese music . It dosen't matter if is jap pop, jazz, rock... etc... you are all welcome for a chat :D

I like to listen to jap music coz I think they have more soul to thier music and enjoy what they do and I like thier style too and how they present themselves.

I don't about you but, My personal favorites are GLAY(of coures), LUNA SEA, 宇多田光, 矢井田瞳, 椎名林檎, 中島美嘉...... and many more. I usaually like to listen to rock or metal I guess I'm kind of rock'n roll person but, I do occasionally listen to some jap pop like 濱崎步, however I preffer her earlier works like LOVEppers, Fly High, LOVE destiny and M ....etc. I think many people will agree with me on this one.

Well anyway enough of me for now. Pls come and have a chat on my Japanese Music section tell me about your thoughts and maybe we can share infos sometimes.

Like GLAY always says STAY TUNED !!! :lol:

[[i] Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-24 at 07:03 PM [/i]]

DrChik 發表於 2005-4-27 01:52 AM

I like MISIA , DVD (KISS IN THE SKY 2003) have DTS 96/24,is very very very very
good sound,and UTADA 2005 LIVE ,矢井田瞳,元千穗,RIE FU,MATSU TAKAKO,LES.R

ReMIX 發表於 2005-4-27 06:58 PM


DrChik 發表於 2005-4-28 04:42 AM


以前本地天后王菲亦推出過這種概念的大碟,今次日本靚聲天后Misia最新大碟(Singer For Singer),正是有星星相惜之意,共10首歌曲,由7位絕對是響噹噹的音樂人為她作曲填詞,一聽到這些名字,自然期待他們與Misia會產生怎樣的火花,結果沒有令人失望,非常動聽,日本樂迷對這張碟的評價亦不俗,;)
大碟中的頭炮及壓軸之作是出自近年在美國發展,有日本黑人音樂教父之稱的久保伸,Misia渾然奔放的唱功,碰上久保田利伸一貫出色的R&B風格,可謂如魚得水,正如Misia對此曲的感覺(精神爽利)Misia所填的歌詞配合美式曲風,夾雜不少英文歌詞(Holy Hold Me);)
更令人驚喜的是Glay的隊長Takuro,沒有把Misia塑造成搖滾女子,反而為她作曲及填寫了一首(冬季異鄉人),Misia感情溢滿的演繹,引發動人力量,同時,樂隊The Boom主音兼著名監製宮澤和史,為Misia獻上一首別具異地風情的(唯獨缺了你的世界);)
玉置浩二亦寫了一首氣氛愉悅的(彩虹的啦啦啦)影星淺野忠信的妻子,樂壇才女Chara亦獻上發揮Misia音域廣闊的作品(Mama Says)都是精心的作品.;)

仙道 發表於 2005-4-28 07:55 PM


This 3rd album from Utada Hikaru "DEEP RIVER" is one of the best albums I've heard from her so far.
I’m not “HARD SALE” or anything ok! It’s true man! :P

Although this time it didn't do as well as the first album, but it sold like a few million copies in Japan like they always do for her. CDs. The funny thing about this album is that every track has a nice tune and a good melody to it and this makes it good to listen to. It's highly recommended.

For the art. I 'd like to comment on the CD cover. It's pretty cool how theme is black & white this time and its feels very mysterious when I look through the pictures in CD booklet. All the shots taken from Uatda are so serious looking, it made me kinda nervous actually….. Hahaha just kidding! Well, great photos taken I would say truly the works of art.

For the music. This album starts of with the 1st track "SAKURA DROPS", which is nice ballad song about Sakura of course. This track was first released as a single in spring 2002, perfect time for viewing Sakura in Japan. Then it moves to a faster beat on the 2nd track "TRAVELLING", also featured as a CD single which was a big hit in Japan and then the PV for this song was later broadcast in the USA on the MTV music channel. This is a breakthrough and it made history because it was the first Japanese PV ever shown on the MTV music channel. Pretty great stuff uh ~~~

After the second track, it continues into a more pop like melody songs throughout the rest of the album and then on the 5th track "LETTERS" UTATDA has invited GLAY's lead guitarist HISASHI to join the band and play the acoustic guitar for this song. Since I'm already a huge GLAY fan this crossover song is bloody cool man !!!

Then on the 10th track "FINAL DISTANCE" this is actually a ballad version of the song "DISTANCE" which is from the 2nd album. However the PV for this song is pretty weird I don't know if any one has it…..or has seen it, you would know what I mean.
But the good thing about the "FINAL DISTANCE" PV is that you get to see Utada dressed in a low "V" cut dress for the first time, VERY Sexy I must say.

Finally the last song but not the least "光" this song gives the album a final kick. Coz the start of this song really catches your attention and believe me it will make want to listen more and more….

To sum it up, this album was released about 3 years ago and she hasn't release any Japanese album since then and that is because she has moved her music career to the USA (I don’t know what the HELL for!!!) and she has released her debut English album "EXODUS" there. Which it didn't do quite well? It didn't even got into the top 100 on Billbroad. This is some shocking stuff from someone as gorgeous as she is.
I think she is better off to stay in Japan rather than go abroad, is not like her CD can’t sale or anything…
She can live off the money made from the 1st album anyway…….silly idea. Well wee make mistakes at some point in our lives. No worries!

Anyway that kinda things doesn't bother me at all coz I'm a true supporter ^_^ HIKARU all the way~~!! :lol::lol::lol:

[[i] Last edited by 仙道 on 2005-4-28 at 08:00 PM [/i]]

仙道 發表於 2005-4-28 07:57 PM


仙道 發表於 2005-4-28 07:58 PM


仙道 發表於 2005-4-28 07:58 PM


DrChik 發表於 2005-4-28 08:54 PM

我就最鐘意 DEEP RIVER \ FINAL DISTANCE 好聽得黎低音亦夠沉,日本No.1天后質素確係有保正,確係醒呀:lol:

DrChik 發表於 2005-4-28 09:39 PM


元千穗,一個原本寂寂無名的鄉下妹,突然在日本ORICON榜上變成榜頭一枝花,她的首張細碟(海神之樹),竟然在發行了二個月後登上ORICON細碟榜冠軍,而且維持在榜上5個月, 以一個新人黎講,竟然有如此驚人的成績及超級長賣的實力,是日本樂壇的一大奇積,從此之後元千穗就是一顆炸彈,在日本樂壇引爆,基本上日日都會聽見元千穗的歌,就算在廁所方便果時都聽得到,然後在二細碟(海神之樹)&(惦念著你)之後,元千穗在7月推出了她個人的首張大碟(南國),發行當日又登上ORICON大碟榜冠軍,而且持續囉左兩個星期的大碟榜冠軍,這個來自日本島國的鄉下妹,原來曾在意大利往過一段時間,吸收左一D意大利音樂風格,而她獨特的女聲,再加上曰本的樂器,曰本溝意大利既靚女聲,就這樣吸引到我的耳朵,讓我再也無法抗拒,大碟中也請來法國知名樂團(Deep Forest),以及日本的創作天才(山崎將義)為她度身訂做大部份既歌,令到元千穗的個人風格發揮得淋漓盡致,而這個超實力超水準的元千穗,將陸續進軍台彎同香港,到時你地又會多個新偶像啦.;););););)

仙道 發表於 2005-4-28 09:46 PM

元千穗 GOOD AR !!

I just bought her 1st album recently is very good sound, especially the 2nd track. It's sounds like I'm in the --- listening to her recording the CD, Idon't think anyone would thought a country girl can make it this big in the big city......amazing stuff~~uh :D:D

johnwu 發表於 2005-4-30 05:43 PM

I don't listen to a lot of Japanese music.  But I love Southen All Star

DrChik 發表於 2005-5-1 12:28 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]johnwu[/i] at 2005-4-30 17:43:
I don't listen to a lot of Japanese music.  But I love Southen All Star [/quote]
我以前都唔聽 JP music架,覺得好吵耳,不過聽過MISIA之後就對JP music完全改觀,
原來某D JP 實力派歌手,真係又好聽又唔嘈.仲有試機空間添.;)

Crapcake 發表於 2005-5-2 10:51 AM

我都覺AR~~我聽左Mr. Children之後完全改觀,仙道兄~~介紹下佢地PLZ~:P

仙道 發表於 2005-5-2 10:14 PM

Mr. Children

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Crapcake[/i] at 2005-5-2 10:51 AM:
我都覺AR~~我聽左Mr. Children之後完全改觀,仙道兄~~介紹下佢地PLZ~:P [/quote]

I think NOT FOUND, Any, Hero & Sign are pretty good. you should give it a try !  :D

DrChik 發表於 2005-5-2 10:48 PM

Mr. Children

呢度好似有Mr. Children新碟(四次元) MP3 DOWMLOAD !;)


kahochai 發表於 2005-5-5 11:46 AM

聽我個頭像都知我喜歡邊個啦 ^^
唔知點解, 鐘意親果d都散band, 好似dream(改組之後唔得),speed, Zone
而家得番d個人歌手, 好似Mai 同nami

satoshi 發表於 2005-5-13 06:49 AM

mai k's songs r so good ><

傻b~ 發表於 2005-5-13 10:05 AM

我想知呢度有冇人係Hello Project迷呀???

Miz 發表於 2005-5-22 04:09 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]傻b~[/i] at 2005-5-13 10:05 AM:
我想知呢度有冇人係Hello Project迷呀??? [/quote]


我唔知我算唔算"濫" @0@~好多都like
like聽  ayu又like 大塚愛~兩個寫歌詞正
..又like聽 D.A.I.  , ZONE , day after tomorrow ~ELT更正

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