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trista_cheong 發表於 2005-4-30 01:56 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]DrChik[/i] at 2005-4-29 01:45 PM:

首先thx您既分享先,咁正既(Hal ... [/quote]

i think Dave is sexy ..........haha~ the men i admire i will say they are sexy~

i will not do that because i am a quiet girl .... :)

DrChik 發表於 2005-5-1 02:09 PM

Depeche Mode一向堅持原創音樂,而作曲填詞的重任,自從Vince Clarke離隊之後,就主要落在Martin Gore身上,當Martin Gore演繹別人的歌,就會以個人名義發功,上次係一九八九年.相隔了十四年,Martin Gore在Depeche Mode歌手Dave Gahan宣佈發表廿二年來首張個人細碟之後,決定再來一次cover version大行動,Depeche Mode的未來仲係未知之數,MartinGore在近年已經幾乎完全代表了Depeche Mode.;)
Martin Gore依然沿用(Counterfeit)既名,但不是第二集,而是二次方,因為上次只是六曲E.P,這次一口氣出十一首作品才算全力出擊.;)
(Counterfeit2)選曲比上次明顯易入耳得多,就連John Lennon的(Oh My Love)也找得到,另外如Brian Eno\Nico\Iggy Pop\Velvet Underground\Nick Cave等的舊作,也算是意料中事,但以Martin Gore,當然不會選這些歌手樂隊最流行的曲目,以他傷感的手法重新演繹,可以將不同年代不同文化融合得天衣無縫.;)

DrChik 發表於 2005-5-1 02:19 PM

D.M mp3 試聽:

[url=http://www.depeche-mode.com/forum/Downloads/Bootleg%20Mixes/I%20Feel%20Loved%20-%20Ghostwheel%20Transitional%20Mix.mp3]I FEEL LOVED[/url]
[url=http://www.depeche-mode.com/forum/Downloads/Bootleg%20Mixes/I%20Am%20You%20-%20DJ%20Ef%20Edit%20by%20Belek.mp3]I AM YOU[/url]
[url=http://www.depeche-mode.com/forum/Downloads/Bootleg%20Mixes/I%20Feel%20Loved%20-%20Ghostwheel%20Remix.mp3]I FEEL LOVED (REMIX)[/url]
[url=http://www.depeche-mode.com/forum/Downloads/Bootleg%20Mixes/Only%20When%20I%20Lose%20Myself%20-%20Simuck%20Break%20Mix.mp3]ONLY WHEN I LOSE MYSELF[/url]
[url=http://www.depeche-mode.com/forum/Downloads/Bootleg%20Mixes/Here%20Is%20The%20House%20-%20Gabriel%20And%20Dresden%20Bootleg%20Mix.mp3]HERE IS THE HOUSE[/url]

biglin 發表於 2005-5-2 03:00 AM

thx for ur share!!they look so cool!!

robertchai 發表於 2005-5-2 03:36 AM



DrChik 發表於 2005-5-2 11:46 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]robertchai[/i] at 2005-5-2 03:36:

ultra最好聽... [/quote]

YES:lol:ULTRA D BASS 好勁,:D終於有高人出手啦,希望您呢位D.M專家可以分享下佢地既歷史啦,感激萬分;)

biglin 發表於 2005-5-3 08:47 PM

their sings are gooood~~thank you so much~~

DrChik 發表於 2005-5-5 09:48 PM

more D.M pics

DrChik 發表於 2005-5-12 07:52 PM

more D.M pics

radiohead 發表於 2005-5-19 10:20 PM

DM我最鍾意都係"People are people", 但"See you"就係用黎lum女一流...

All i wanna do is see u, dun u know that's true...

DrChik 發表於 2005-5-19 11:34 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]radiohead[/i] at 2005-5-19 22:20:
DM我最鍾意都係"People are people", 但"See you"就係用黎lum女一流...

All i wanna do is see u, dun u know that's true... [/quote]

People are people真係經典,聽DM既都會鐘意:P

radiohead 發表於 2005-5-20 07:04 AM

咁o個陣時大家有冇去佢地大球場o個個concert...算幾唔錯, 亦係大球場小有可以以個人身份成功舉行既concert (因為仲o係噪音投訴之前)

wahaha1234 發表於 2005-6-27 11:23 AM

depeche mode have very famous song~
I like enjoy the slience and Policy of Truth , This kind of songs I like as well:P
but now I don't like them much...They were changed
I think their new albums don't sound as stylish as their 90's early
They don't "Tech" anymore;)

ahohk1204 發表於 2005-6-29 09:37 AM

Can you feel a little love?

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