[不可思義] 隱形衣快發明出來了
[不可思義] 隱形衣快發明出來了你覺得隱形衣做的出來嗎?
已經快做出來了 跟大家分享
這是日本人發明的 還剩1點小問題 就完成了
[url]http://www.twowin.com.tw/alldata/fun/fun867.MPEG[/url] well I think the video is using blue screen like that the ball, brick and rain coat are blue and use the computer to use the background picture to overlap whatever is blue. this is easy to do especially when the camera is not movie
100% sure 是假的la
是假的la, 隱形的應該是什麼lee??如果是那件可隱形的東西?? 但為什麼人也隱形了??(頭段)
如果是只可以透視生物的話, 那男人的衫為什麼也隱形了???
頭一段和尾一段是不成立的.....頭一段男人在隱形物後是隱形的, 如果那東西可以透視隱形物後的東西的話, 為什麼尾段時没有透視後面的黑色板(the "X'tal Vision board")
所以那隱形物應該是一樣藍色的東西, 用特技把背景key到那東西上
P.S.: a few minutes later then the 2nd guy la.... :-(
[[i] Last edited by cymok3782 on 2005-4-29 at 01:39 AM [/i]] 同意~~~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]cymok3782[/i] at 2005-4-29 01:37 AM:
是假的la, 隱形的應該是什麼lee? ... [/quote]
但自我發現背景都有藍色....我都混亂起來 can use differnet kind of blue color ma. "navy blue", "baby blue"
or like what TVB use, TVB use "bright green"
most of the movie will use blue color, but actually you can use any color you want, just need to be the same rate of color..... 我都諗 is fake ga.....if個ball係隱形的話....我地見到ge應該係個個人果頭...
而吾係個頭既後面d野........ 係真定假ga!~~~ 如果隱形衣快發明出來了,今就正:lol::lol::lol:
可色假得好緊要!!!!;);););) 我諗應該叫做透明唔應該叫隱形