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abu1984 發表於 2005-5-3 05:23 AM



cam_kwok86 發表於 2005-5-3 05:36 AM

its MVP, not MPV. but i do believe Iverson deserve it. He almost single-handedly carried the 76ers into the playoffs. without him, they'd be near the bottom of the eastern conference. He's the leading scorer of the regular season and his assist numbers has been spectacular. However, the spot like of whose going to be MVP has been placed mostly on Nash and O'Neal. Eventhough i think that Iverson should win, its most likely those 2 would be #1 and 2 in MVP voting. Iverson is a crucial part to his team and IS the most valuable Player of his team, and deserves to win.

fuckbigball 發表於 2005-5-3 07:48 AM

唔係佢技術唔好, 不過MVP係唔應該第一圈就收工架, MVP都係唔應該隊波排分岸第七架

Ticat 發表於 2005-5-3 08:12 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]---bigball[/i] at 2005-5-2 07:48 PM:
唔係佢技術唔好, 不過MVP係唔應該第一圈就收工架, MVP都係唔應該隊波排分岸第七架 [/quote]

its season MVP, so how they do in playoff shouldnt have anything to do with it  /shrug
i know AI deserve it, but IMO, MVP is the one that bring the whole team to a new lvl, not only he play good, he need to make his teammate play good too.

AI stat is really outstanding, no doubt about that, however ... look at what Nash did to Suns, last year they like 29-53, this year ... they have the best record 62-20, well u can say they have Quentin Richardson this year too, so the team play better, but i think the impact that Nash has to his team is better than any other player this year, no matter he win it or not this year, he is the MVP this season for me

d228216 發表於 2005-5-3 09:07 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Ticat[/i] at 2005-5-3 08:12 AM:

its season MVP, so how they do ... [/quote]

abu1984 發表於 2005-5-3 09:33 AM

AI.唔想可以好似WADE OR NASH打得咁舒服咩??

d228216 發表於 2005-5-3 11:39 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]abu1984[/i] at 2005-5-3 05:23 AM:
AI.......佢好似當每埸都係自己每後一場咁打架......佢對每埸真係以身相許架 [/quote]


Most Valuable Player

cam_kwok86 發表於 2005-5-3 01:13 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Ticat[/i] at 2005-5-2 04:12 PM:

its season MVP, so how they do ... [/quote]

but when u look at nash and the suns, u see that the whole starting 5 is really good and better than the 76er's. granted the 76ers got Webber at the deadline, he was still hurting and didn't really produce. Iverson single-handedly carried the team into the playoffs, where as IMO Marion was more of the glue guy in Phoenix.

oicoic 發表於 2005-5-3 01:24 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2005-5-3 09:07 AM:

[color=Red][size=5]無悔支持AI![/size][/color] [/quote]

below6cm 發表於 2005-5-3 02:32 PM





甘國武 發表於 2005-5-3 04:03 PM

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d228216 發表於 2005-5-3 10:23 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]甘國武[/i] at 2005-5-3 04:03 PM:
從理性角度看,... [/quote]
E ! 甘生除咗果味野之外, 對NBA見解亦相當獨到渦....拜服!

coke123 發表於 2005-5-4 05:09 PM

唔洗煩la, nba.com 已經話Nash 係mvp la, 等宣佈jar

shaqkobe 發表於 2005-5-4 05:11 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]coke123[/i] at 2005-5-4 17:09:
唔洗煩la, nba.com 已經話Nash 係mvp la, 等宣佈jar [/quote]

pillgreen 發表於 2005-5-5 02:15 AM


below6cm 發表於 2005-5-5 09:59 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]甘國武[/i] at 2005-5-3 04:03 PM:
從理性角度看,... [/quote]



甘國武 發表於 2005-5-5 10:16 AM

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below6cm 發表於 2005-5-5 10:33 AM


crap 發表於 2005-5-5 10:45 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]coke123[/i] at 2005-5-4 07:09 PM:
唔洗煩la, nba.com 已經話Nash 係mvp la, 等宣佈jar [/quote]

有咁既樹? nba.com邊度講?

Ticat 發表於 2005-5-5 12:37 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]crap[/i] at 2005-5-4 10:45 PM:

有咁既樹? nba.com邊度講? [/quote]

i cant find it either ... only find the part said Nash should be MVP by fans voting

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