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Jho808 發表於 2005-5-3 11:11 AM


I think he is really thinking too much.......compare to Jay Chow .......王力宏 is just nothing!!

[[i] Last edited by DrChik on 2005-6-9 at 03:21 PM [/i]]

step025 發表於 2005-5-3 11:16 AM

nonono~~ 王力宏 is not the same style as 周杰倫, but they r at the same level of composing song, and i still think that 王力宏 is better

JCer 發表於 2005-5-3 11:21 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Jho808[/i] at 2005-5-3 11:11 AM:
I think he is really thinking too much.......compare to Jay Chow .......王力宏 is just nothing!! [/quote]
唔同意你既講法, 雖然唔知佢係咪真係話有信心...
但係, 佢今年D歌真係好正喎, 我覺得周杰倫成日都係 R&B 有D悶
王力宏就比較多完化, 在台灣 王力宏,周杰倫,陶吉吉 係三分天下
王力宏贏周杰倫都唔奇, 但係要過到陶吉吉先囉

ilovefuckingyou 發表於 2005-5-3 01:22 PM


calcal 發表於 2005-5-3 04:40 PM

david tao is the god..^^

157 發表於 2005-5-3 07:38 PM


發表於 2005-5-4 10:49 PM


victoro 發表於 2005-5-5 09:11 AM

Lee Hom doesn't has his own style clearly. He produces good songs (although I feel his old songs are much better than now), but u couldn't classify him as any kind of singer.

What u can see is Jay and David are very stylish producer & singers. What they produce are unique and keep a very high quality in every single album.

goddamnyou 發表於 2005-5-5 01:23 PM

obviously, Leehom produces songs of a higher variety than Jay

btw, it might be kinda hard to define what 'Style' means
i dun think leehom doesn't have his own style
u may only say he does not stick to one or two particular types of songs, unlike Jay,
but the diversified and mixed types of songs are Leehom's 'Style'
i mean being a stylish producer and singer does not neccessarily mean sticking to a single type of songs.

whats more, i dun think leehom has been following the trends when producing his songs
if you have listened to his CDs, you will realize that he did try to produce songs of 'New Types'
i mean, he produces a song which contains different elements (e.g. R&B + Rock / HIP-HOP)
this is definitely not what a trend-follower does

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