haha^^好好睇溜馬阿塞爾人都係 但係明哥打得好差下:mad: that going to be fun :) [quote]Originally posted by [i]Lap Hui[/i] at 2005-5-6 12:31 PM:
但係明哥打得好差下:mad: [/quote]
佢上場拎30分la,又有咩用,win 就得la
[[i] Last edited by joe159357 on 2005-5-6 at 12:51 PM [/i]] oh yeah~~ houston go go go ~~ i think should use Motombo more^_^ 明哥越打越差, 咁樣點得 [quote]Originally posted by [i]kinghim[/i] at 2005-5-6 03:25 PM:
明哥越打越差, 咁樣點得 [/quote]
因為佢令我失望左好多次!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]kinghim[/i] at 2005-5-6 03:25 PM:
明哥越打越差, 咁樣點得 [/quote]
何以見得? 佢D罰球越離越準, 就離準過Oneal, oneal 都識打下藍底, 佢越打越唔dim [quote]Originally posted by [i]joe159357[/i] at 2005-5-6 05:58 PM:
因為佢令我失望左好多次!! [/quote]
唔可以要求佢場場都有好表現ga:) but as the team second options, and in such an important game, it is unacceptable...
if Yao cannot play big in big games, he will never become a superstar 阿明哥的表現算係幾穩定,就算係tmac都有表現差既時侯la [quote]Originally posted by [i]wai214[/i] at 2005-5-7 12:25 AM:
but as the team second options, and in such an important game, it is unacceptable...
if Yao cannot play big in big games, he will never become a superstar [/quote]
the performance that he maintain in this season???
he's a great player but not a starplayer I would rather say he is a good player 支持小馬下一場搞掂火箭。支持溜馬下一場搞掂塞爾特人。