名人金句~~ [C+]
名人金句~~I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance. -Socrates
我所知道的是我一無所知。 -蘇格拉底 型^^
Vanity keeps persons in favour with themselves who are out of favour with all others. -Shakespeare
虛榮使人得寵己,而失寵於人。 -莎士比亞
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid
of the light. -Plato
孩子怕黑暗,情有可原;人生真正的悲劇是成人怕光明。 -柏拉圖 唔唔^^
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, becasue they have to say something. -Plato
聰明人說話,是因為有些話要說;蠢人說話,則因為要說 些話。 -柏拉圖呢句好arm feel~~
Don't let the environment to change u,u have to change the environment.--Jacky Chan
不 要 被 環 境 去 改 變 你 , 你 要 去 改 變 環 境 。 -- 成 龍 < 紅 蕃 區 > 呢句好arm聽~~
Using no way as way; having no limitation as limitation. --Lin yiao lung
以 無 法 為 有 法 , 以 無 限 為 有 限 。 -- 李小龍 呢句我最鐘意~~heehee~~
You are not the best or the worst in the world. So , don't proud and ashame . --Along
你永遠也不是世界上最好的,也不是最差的。所以不要驕傲或自卑。 --阿朗最arm^^
Although Roma is not built in one day, nothing can be built if we spend no days. --Along(Translate by KYM , thx him very much)
有耕耘不一定有收穫,但不耕耘就一定不會有收穫。 --阿朗又係好arm聽~~^^
[[i] Last edited by crap on 2005-5-12 at 04:26 AM [/i]]