[5/18吹水加分題] 失業人知唔知自己點解失業?
失業或無業人士知唔知道自己的失業原因?{0L4gI'N#zrz/u TlEXS
1. 自己唔夠勤力?3A|uh#@ M i
2. 無工作表現, 低於要求?
3. 常遲到, 早退, 請假?
4. 無心工作, 心散, 發呆?
5. 太出位, 發言高調?;FAJ {` s
6. 同事間關係惡劣, 搞小圈子?'Nr(nA6Au0ghX
7. 同boss唔夠friend, 出言頂撞?
8. 其他
9. 放棄搵工
10. 結構性NA#z:}4x"ab_/AE
bGB%q%L0L G{8B
[[i] Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-16 at 10:18 PM [/i]] 先業?wt is the meaning [quote]Originally posted by [i]anthraxdaniel[/i] at 2005-5-16 10:13 PM:+]Y8pl7o,S
先業?wt is the meaning [/quote]
唔該晒:P 結構性係乜? [quote]Originally posted by [i]奇[/i] at 2005-5-16 10:41 PM:
結構性係乜? [/quote]
Good question, 問得好!
long-term unemployment that results from structural factors in the economy, such as a mismatch between the skills required by newly created jobs and the skills possessed by those who have lost their jobs in declining industries
結構性失業係話佢做緊o個行, 全個行業收左皮, 同埋係你所擁有既技能己經無用 懶懶懶 [quote]Originally posted by [i]老鬼X[/i] at 2005-5-17 12:35 AM:
懶懶懶 [/quote]@-@*vE+Gzu#{.Z
即係話你1至4點都有齊呀? 失業或無業人士知唔知道自己的失業原因?[gX [2o'T%^!g
實在有太 Many ,
有啲人懶 ,?4w8k,s:r1[\
唔肯去工作 ,!tj)[$r/a[
經常遲到, 早退, 請假 ,:Hhf E'z6C
搞小圈子 ,