[警訊] 已有同事上當 目前仍官司纏身[樂+]
今天經過一棟大樓門口,門口有一提款機,有一個阿伯一直看著我走過他身邊,突然叫住我,之後拿出一張提款卡,要求我幫他在大樓門口的提款機領錢,他說他不識字, 我回答無法幫他,並說我去叫警衛伯伯幫你,結果,他就回答我說不用了,繼續找路人幫 他領錢。(?1m U)D-I
朋友們要記住,提款機可是有攝影機耶,萬一他說我搶劫或是偷他的提款卡,甚至他的卡片是偷來的,幫他領錢反而在提款機留下影像,絕對會讓你百詞莫辯!!nhA SO/]]M
[[i] Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-26 at 01:07 PM [/i]] 嘩﹐多謝提點 唔識字? 提款唔駛識字,你同佢講,而家d機好先進,聲控架...
好難信而家仲有人唔識字 then can u tell me what is the point he has to put u in the trap?????????2q!w+B7[D]9m8I
also u said there is a camera right there....then it should be recording what is happening ...!! That could be a very strong evidence the nice man wasn't rob the old man... 嘩!!! 呢d資訊真係無得頂!!!
大家小心d啦;) thank you 樂版主 +fun~ 叫佢唔好用atm, 入銀行攞