[5/29吹水加分題] 您最初係點樣搵工? 有無受氣?
**** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]justtocc[/i] at 2005-5-24 03:14 AM:我想知美國18歲後打份工最低都有幾錢? [/quote]
around US$10/hr
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if hong kong governement were taken over by labour party, i can tell you it would be a completely different story.
working for people means one thing, and only one thing ------ WORKING FOR PEOPLE. if you dedicate to work more than anything else, you will only regret one day because companies only talk about money and performance, when your performance doesnt match with money or vice versa, you will be dumped. some might disagree what i say, but you will never understand this concept until this day comes to you.
owning a company is like playing chess, working for a company is like being played as chess. you can go well all the way until one day you make a little wrong move, then you will be stuck there ever after. if you have the right money and right mind, go ahead and be the chess player! the experience gained from starting a business will be a lot more fascinating than solely working, however this experience might either cost you a fortune or give you a fortune. moral of the story is: learn the rules first (i.e work) and then play the game right|RcLr0pO s c
i am also a fresh grad, i have worked for at least 3 different companies over the last 14 months, i kept on changing jobs because i am very picky about stuff, and that includes jobs. i am a GREAT example of failure, so dont learn from me. the worst thing about working is OT. seriously i dont mind working overtime, but i dont like it when the company takes it for granted.
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i hv been unemployed for 2 months...hv been writing CVs and attending interviews recently....gone hopeless. well, life is miserable, only you can make it not. [quote]Originally posted by [i]justtocc[/i] at 2005-5-24 03:14 AM:9|)s7g+`I:l bs
點樣搵工? [/quote]q ai~m@
真係無人答到你。。。而家黎講﹐真係等運到架咋。。。一個RECRUITMENT DAY入面請20人﹐跟住300個人黎INTERVIEW。。。就算你好叻﹐D公司都唔會知道啦﹐跟本就無心機INTERVIEW你既)PY0@]N'cv
唔係講笑﹐上次會展個招聘EXPO﹐我真係排左3粒鐘﹐好多OL﹐我當係去睇女架咋 你有冇一個目標將來想做d 咩工?
'L Jz6GS7{;J\u
我中5 repeat 左一年考到10分之後就去左讀IVE.
讀IVE 係唔錯既選擇, 因為佢教到你既技能係最實際, 讀完之後有返一技之長, 搵工都易d ,冇錢讀可以問政府借~c4KR#G S%Dd8Nk
讀到咁上下通常都會有機會去一d 相關既公司實習, 到時除左可以得到工作經驗, 最緊要就係要落力d 做,打好關係, 比人一個好印象. 畢左業間公司請返你既機會都大d~
出黎做野預左要受氣, 但只要你有料, 對人對事既態度好, 去到邊都唔洗怕~~~~ **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]justtocc[/i] at 2005-5-24 04:00 AM:
唔識英文...大概講乜? [/quote]
慘﹐你連許留山都唔做得﹐我上個月去許留山﹐個阿嬸同個鬼佬傾倒雞啄都唔斷呀 [quote]Originally posted by [i]justtocc[/i] at 2005-5-24 04:01 AM: