**** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 呢一刻係我擇我會要3號。因為Wade。哈哈!不過由於國際5人賽例,校隊所以依家著緊4號。
本來自己組果隊可以用其他Number既,不過組得隊就預左要參加比賽,加上組隊波如果用晒4-15外既number唔知點咁。好似以前細個咁,果時訂波衫係用34(shaq),我地成班有D就用55、有D就用21。大大下出到街打波就覺得怪到咩咁,所以之後決定換一次波衫,果時我擇左8號(kobe),過左4年,套野已經殘到爆,最後今年又換左,今次擇左6號(條女幫我擇既==)。 我會揀69原因....哈哈講笑姐
真係要選我會揀99原因係少人用同埋英超唔比用我偏要用@@" No. 22 in Basketball... cos my favour Basketball player, Clyde Drexler
In soccer, I think everyone should say, You should wear no.8, cos Freddie Ljungberg
Sorry, No... I would wear No. 10
cos my name, Bright, which is coming from former Charlton Ath., Sheff. Wed, Crystal Palace striker, Mark Bright
He was wearing no. 10 in Sheff Wed, and that's the first year in FA Premier League that they make their name at the back of the jersey.
that's why I choose no. 10 足球既話我選18號 現實情況~籃球以前著12,之後轉左11
足球就未試過~如果有我想著11號:) 係喎!仲有足球,如果我擇會擇7號。:P
足球我要6 號,因為沙維籃球我都要6號,因為PENNY全盛時打奧運隊是6 號.......... For football, I love to wear no.4
cos Im a defensive midfield..
I hate people wearing no.10
because they always think they are the best..( not against Bright ) [quote]Originally posted by [i]lliu[/i] at 2005-5-24 22:56:
For football, I love to wear no.4
cos Im a defensive midfield..
I hate people wearing no.10
because they always think they are the best..( not against Bright ) [/quote]
可能人地真係最好呢!:P 8號因為第一年籃球隊已經用8號 我踢波的
因為我勁鍾意 《我們的足球場》個主角 -- 高杉和也
唔知大家有冇睇呢? 3
hero3 mar
33 was my highschool basketball team number
no choice
only becoz of the size (haha)
3had been a part of my nickname for so many years
pH3 (acid)
meaning very active and hype (on basketball court and baseball field/diamond)
later on use it for my band
pH3 ~ "[color=Red]p[/color]raise [color=Red]H[/color]umblely the [color=Red]3[/color]Bodies - Father, Son and Holy Spirit"
from active to humble
(big change)haha
btw brothers
my surgery was last thursday
it went well
thx for your support/care/prayer
just have to rest and cast for [color=Red]3[/color] more months
haha 我會揀7號,碧咸既號碼,以前踢波我著20號既,因為果年巴迪高著20號同埋7號比人揀左.......另外10號同9號都係我既至愛^^" 以前打前鋒鐘意著9號或者19號 ^^
因為恩沙基 @@
因為係我第一次真正踢比賽時著過 ^^v
[[i] Last edited by MaxFigo on 2005-5-24 at 11:50 PM [/i]] 愈來愈多人over個題目。:lol: T-MAC好型仔
佢打波好勁 之前比賽用開11號, 4-15中, 11好似最型, 無乜其他原因
之後新波衫用6號, 因為我發現 Iverson 除左著 3號, 都著過 6號
一路用 6號用到而家 E~都幾多人著6號喎! 26號
雖然佢而家走左, 但都無諗住變