有冇人可以知點解.... **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 啫係點丫? 因為......
所以data transfers較快較直接
所以都有一定既network jam
T3 專線
Traffic is the keyBetween HK-USA there are many T3(Very Board Band )line across. Acually, hong kong is the major landing for most lease line across pacific ocean. That is also the reason why phoning IDD to USA is a lot cheaper than other asia country. Also, your ISP may proxy some of the more popular site (like yahoo).
So when you go to the site, what you get is actually a copy of the site that sit inside your ISP's network. All ISPs use proxies(transparent ones)... but I do not think this is the answer. The previous answer(more links with greater bandwidth between USA and HK) is the key. [quote]Originally posted by [i]短毛[/i] at 2005-6-4 02:02 PM:
All ISPs use proxies(transparent ones)... but I do not think this is the answer. The previous answer(more links with greater bandwidth between USA and HK) is the key. [/quote]
因為台灣係要經外國proxy 可能ISP的國外專線無TW份, 去TW 0既就要先經USA (for example), 咁會令去USA0既Transport比去TW0既快(以前上大陸網慢就係呢個緣故, 無Direct Connection)<--Secnerio 1
又可能去TW條線的Bandwidth不如去USA果條, 如果Connections 一樣, 去美國梗快過去台灣了 <-- Secnerio 2
Hope can help