[3/6音樂加分題]陳奕迅 氣勢十足
繼《Live For Today》唱片後闊別樂壇兩年,陳奕迅2005年加盟新藝寶後,全力再戰香港樂壇!繼3月復出樂壇的首場音樂會《新城唱好陳奕迅05'出擊音樂會》,並於5月初特別舉行大型音樂會「NCMLive 向Eason狂呼」,為新碟造勢,Eason在音樂會上大唱新歌11首,現場招待2,500名歌迷,整個製作費過百萬元,而是次音樂會「NCMLive 向Eason狂呼」將轉錄成DVD隨新碟《U87》附送,回饋多年來樂迷等待他復出多時的支持。全新主打歌「夕陽無限好」,則由Eric Kwok創作,歌詞講述Eason當了父親及轉會後的心境及想法,其中他覺得夕陽黃昏才是新一天的序幕,人要向前望,才有更多更想做的事情,因此凡事亦會看得長遠些。
新碟由三個監製ALVIN LEONG、雷頌德與ERIC KWOK聯合製作,碟名《U87》竟然用一支咪的編號來命名,皆因他不約而同都用同一支名為「U87」的咪錄音,Eason覺得此咪收錄了他最真實的聲音,故此起用它來為新碟命名。
《U 87 (CD + DVD)》內容簡介
01. 爛
02. 阿牛
03. 夕陽無限好
04. 16月6日 晴
05. 浮誇
06. 葡萄成熟時
07. 三個人的探戈
08. 不良嗜好
09. 怕死
10. 大個女
11. 新美人主義(國)
12. 遇見了你(國) (G弦上的詠嘆調 主題曲)
DVD - Neway Color Music NCM!LIVE
01. The Making of...
02. 新美人主義(國)
03. 遇見了你(國)
04. 爛
05. 浮誇
06. 夕陽無限好
07. 三個人的探戈
08. 不良嗜好
09. 葡萄成熟時
10. 16月6日 晴
11. 阿牛
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[[i] Last edited by DrChik on 2005-6-22 at 10:42 AM [/i]] 我覺得佢一直無退步過,
應該會買,因為等左佢出碟好耐! 覺得eason今次復出水準可能仲會更勝之前...
前兩年佢顧住搵錢真係拍左好多戲 I really hope he will do even better.
I for sure will buy this CD because his voice is just incredible
But I was not very impressed with 夕陽無限好.
The medlody is just ok, not very special. The lycis... oh my god... so old fashion and not creative at all, not poetic either. The only good thing on this song is Eason's voice. I miss his "Shall we talk" album, so many good songs, so many suprises.
I hope the rest of the songs will be better.:lol: 您地覺得Eason服出後有冇退步呢?
冇! Last few concert he sing so well, his concert in this year end for sure I will go
覺得呢隻碟有幾多成水準呢? better than before? I think he spend a lot of
time on this Cd, from making the songs to writing lyric.
您會否買呢隻碟? Sure !
點解會買呢? I have waited it for 2.5 years! Everyday I listen to his song,
From the oldest the the newest , many of them are in my mp3 player.
6 7 I will go to buy it! I'm looking forward to his new album. Eason is a singer, someone who knows music. These days, HK is lack of good singers. I hope his new cd will bring us good songs, and make a good impact to local music industry. Otherwsie, sooner or later we'll have to listen to Taiwanese, Western, Japanese, or even Korean music, we'll have nothing local for the people.
But whether or not I'll buy it, really depends on his songs. I definitely won't download it illegally if I'm not going to buy his new cd!
For me 夕陽無限好 is too commercial, just like a new version of 幸福摩天輪, no big surprise and disappointed. 陳奕迅闊別咗我哋兩年,真係幾掛住佢果把既懶洋洋又可以狂呼嘅聲音。因為呢排工作比較忙,未有機會聽晒佢啲新歌,只係响電台同電視聽過《夕陽無限好》同《浮誇》,反而最有印象係佢果枝U87,因為聽過幾個訪問都有提過。
唔知可唔可以話係成熟咗,有深度咗呢,你知啦家陣連老豆都做堆,思想上應該係有啲唔同咗嘅;又可能會同轉咗唱片公司有關掛,新嘅環境、新嘅同事自然會有啲新鮮感,加上停咗兩年無做唱片,好多以後習慣成自然嘅嘢都可以重新build up過,應該都係好事。不過,我估應該同果枝U87無乜特別關係。 :D:D
通常果啲幾年無出過碟嘅歌手,再出番碟我都一定會支持,好似早幾年陶喆同張震嶽咁,鍾意果份新鮮感,同堆硬係覺得咁樣做一隻碟係有誠意啲嘅,質素應該有保證。 其實佢一直到keep到佢既風格, 宜家離開左英皇, 我覺得對佢黎講係好事~~!
至於呢一隻碟, 我一定會買~~ 緊係la, 包埋dvd live wor~!!!!!! 抵買la~!
同埋有得聽live, 特別正ga~~
我個人對呢隻碟好有期望, 希望佢會為我地帶黎驚喜la~~ 香港人唔聽陳奕迅 , 你唔好話係香港人 .
㊣∪㊣ [quote]Originally posted by [i]jordi[/i] at 2005-6-3 11:26 PM:
香港人唔聽陳奕迅 , 你唔好話係香港人 .
㊣∪㊣ [/quote]
咁外國人聽左陳奕迅會唔會變左香港人㊣0㊣'''' [quote]Originally posted by [i]阿細[/i] at 2005-6-4 03:47 AM:
咁外國人聽左陳奕迅會唔會變左香港人㊣0㊣'''' [/quote]
笑死我...之前我有個korean fd,佢真係好鐘意eason 的!!成日叫我燒eason 既cd俾佢~!
我覺得eason 唔會點退步,不過個feel 係唔同左...以前既感覺係同佢比較近...而家佢出返黎,有小小似"見返舊朋友"既感覺...夕陽無限好似一杯紅酒,慢慢品嚐感覺好好...仲有國語歌"遇見了你",感覺比起夕陽無限好更加relax,好有台灣既慢歌feel~而且佢把聲唱得好好,聽得勁有feel~
希望佢離開左英皇,發展得更好...仲有成功放低smoking 雖然我唔係eason fans~
(me against 情歌~)
hehe~ yeah, although he looks not so nice after married(maybe have to take care the girl) but his songs still great
his voice haven't change much
mmmmm......i like 夕陽無限好 quite nice the lyric
then i give this album 80%
quite Okay !!
sure i will buy his album 講真,有時d野係要冇咗先覺得好,佢以前唱k歌之王等等係好聽,不過我對佢好感唔大....但你尼兩年唔見咗佢,發現佢真係一個少有既歌手......夕陽無限好好明顯睇到佢唱功冇生疏,仲好似好咗,而且做咗人呀爸,個人真係修心養性咗,o係而家一個咁沉夕巴既樂壇,佢既復出確係一棧明燈..... actually i'm glad he's finally back
and even more that he has left EEG. i dun think he has close to what he wanted in terms of what he chooses to sing and what he finally puts out.
in no way i'm blaming everything to the record company, but their directions just dun meet.
and ofcoz i understand that the hk music industry is almost purely commercial driven $$$$$$.
now that he has turn down the offer and joins 新藝寶, i hope they could just get a better connection goin :P (i'm not demading, i just hope) i actually haven't heard the stage plugged song yet, i'm assuming its 夕陽無限好. but from what i've read and seen it looks like sth that i could look forward to. see i actually dun mind if a song is one of those K-song or like some would say more commercial. as long its something that eason actually likes then i think theres no prob. i just like to see when a singer gets more freedom and control over their music.
thats becoz most hk singers dun write their own songs already so the only thing left is choosing what to sing
i'm waiting to 'taste' the album soon 夕陽無限好... 冇想像中咁好... Of course hai improve la! Since he put such much time on recording his new cd! But I think there won't be as much "K songs" in this Cd as compare to the ones in EEG~ and the feel of his songs are heading towards Jackie Cheung now, gives a more mature feel instead of just always pure love songs..~ maybe its because of her daughter?? Overall I think this CD is a must buy! Listened his songs for over 10 years, his songs have been accompanying me to grow up, anythings happened in my life, there must be some of his song that can suit my mood that moment, Everytime, i will buy his album at once after it released, this time is not an exception
Wait for 2 years, All of his fans finally can see the new album. He wont let us down becoz he knoe we have a great expectation to him