not the phsycial requirement.....
but the mental harshness needed!!
Being a GK for a week team.........
surely it is the toughest post!! [/quote]
but it's a really challenging task (unless in super important matches, then challenges become pressure..)
i play as GK sometimes, and always hope the other team to shoot more, otherwise i'll be very boring...:D 中場。上落最多最大。 翼衛~~~好似卡路士同卡富咁上上落落,你估個個都得ga~? 對於我黎講.....守龍
因為我踢呢個位最渣XP 龍門...
龍門就一定唔得!壓力好大! [quote]Originally posted by [i]crap[/i] at 2005-6-12 11:18 AM:
but it's a really challenging t... [/quote]
When ur teams defence are crap!!
having One on one all the time ....... it is more than jsut a challenge!!
I played yesterday, and got more than 5 one on one opportunities for others!!
I saved 3 of them.....but .....still feel guilty!!
not only the pressure.....u need to concentrate for the whole match....and thats exactly why it is so DEMANDING!!