可唔可以教下我 WinRAR 點用..??
請求詳盡教下我....thx~ .......... 你係問點樣將檔案分割為rar?定有rar檔案你唔識解? YES.... 有rar檔案你唔識解....次次都解唔到:( 簡單講,如果人地將檔案abc分割左10part,你要有晒果10part,才可以獲得個檔案abc
明嗎? 哦....係咁架!!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]就業[/i] at 2005-6-19 10:34 AM:
YES.... 有rar檔案你唔識解....次次都解唔到:( [/quote]
ok啦....唔該晒.... 呢度係得係很幫忙~ do anyone tell me the website address of WINRAR. I need the free one! thanks!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]saab[/i] at 2005-6-21 04:33 AM:
do anyone tell me the website address of WINRAR. I need the free one! thanks!! [/quote]
0係yahoo search winrar就有 WinRAR使用简明指导教程