[轉短片] 香港某女學生慘遭欺凌
條女好慘....唔知發生咩事呢...[url]http://www.i-channel.net/UploadFiles/200542391731364.rm[/url] 雖然看過, 但條女又真係幾慘 We live in a screwed up city with a f#cked up education system that produces teenagers like these. These bitches will be stuck in low paid jobs because of their lack of education and motivation, yet they will whine about how the rich people are getting richer. [quote]Originally posted by [i]naz124[/i] at 2005-6-21 11:26 AM:
We live in a screwed up city with a... [/quote]
同意! 好慘...點解會有d咁 ge 女仔... 佢真係好慘
慘 慘 慘 dl唔到 [quote]Originally posted by [i]布丁[/i] at 2005-6-28 10:32 AM:
dl唔到 [/quote]
試過喎,條link無問題,可以download呀 冇冇下文 香港某女學生慘遭欺凌
大陸人來的 佢真係好慘
慘 慘 慘 真係好好睇,好精彩囉﹗如果被打條女dl到呢套短片,可以報警告打佢個兩條女。再唔係屈返佢地轉頭要錢。 不是香港的
大陸人來的 好能仆街班女仔!晤死都無能用! [wmv]http://www.i-channel.net/UploadFiles/200542391731364.rm[/wmv] 屌佢地班老味臭西,真係見一個屌一個,重要係搵狗屌臭佢地~ 嘩...咁你地又唔洗鬧得咁激 唔係人來架 雖然看過, 但條女又真係幾慘