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shaqkobe 發表於 2005-6-25 01:22 PM



[[i] Last edited by shaqkobe on 2005-10-10 at 08:32 PM [/i]]

shaqkobe 發表於 2005-6-25 01:23 PM


[[i] Last edited by shaqkobe on 2005-6-25 at 01:29 PM [/i]]

brightlee 發表於 2005-6-25 01:27 PM

em.. I don't think suns will get adv
cos I know they want K. Thomas to stay in the middle

but will it work for run and gun?

[[i] Last edited by brightlee on 2005-6-25 at 03:37 PM [/i]]

joycejo 發表於 2005-6-25 01:29 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-6-25 01:23 PM:
在西岸決賽不敵馬刺的太陽已開始換血... [/quote]


shaqkobe 發表於 2005-6-25 01:29 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-6-25 13:27:
em.. I do't think suns will get adv
cos I kow they want K. Thomas to stay in the middle

but will it work for run and gun? [/quote]

shaqkobe 發表於 2005-6-25 01:34 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]joycejo[/i] at 2005-6-25 13:29:

希望呢個change真係有用 [/quote]

吸哈男 發表於 2005-6-25 02:04 PM

I'm sure Q will be a perfect fit for New York
I think Isiah Thomas wants to create a run and gun style for New York
The future startup I think will be..
PF     Tim Thomas
SF     Quentin Richardson
C      Michael Sweetney or Channing Fyre(the possible new rookie)
SG    Jamal Crawford
PG    Stephon Marbury

That would be a very athletic team
very fast, very young and a team with great perimeter(4 of them are 3 point shooters)
in addition, say goodbye to Allen Houston and his luxury tax pay
Knicks will become more flexible in the free market

As for Kurt,
I don't think he'll really fit into the Suns
but then again,
during his time in New York
from Patrick Ewing days to 1999老八傳奇days to 雙箭頭(Houston & Sprewell) days to now(Starburry days)
He never really did fit in ethier
But he's always played hard in doing his duties
so I think he'll turn out OK in Phoenix

I'm just surprised why Phoenix is willing to give up a player who is such a good fit for their team

kyleung 發表於 2005-6-25 06:56 PM

thats a rumour only?

fung0109 發表於 2005-6-25 09:45 PM


秋葉林 發表於 2005-6-25 09:48 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-6-25 13:23:
[color=Red]在西岸決賽不敵馬刺的太陽... [/quote]

其實 K. Thomas 係一個好實而不華嘅球員﹙個人好鍾意佢﹚,佢响 New York 嗰邊平均都有雙雙嘅成績兼且表現穩定,如果可以融入球隊應該會減輕到 A. Stoudemire 嘅壓力;雖然 Q. Richardson 年紀輕可能有無限潛能,但係現階段嘅佢仲係好飄忽,而呢次交易 Phoenix 又可以獲得一個首輪選秀權,所以呢筆交易對 Phoenix 嚟講未必唔係好事。

martinize 發表於 2005-6-25 10:23 PM

kurt thomas 係個幾好既內線球員,佢係個防守唔錯既球員,雖高度係差少少,但佢單對單防守功係無問題的,可以幫輕 stoudamire 的負擔,stoudamire 亦可以專心係防守方面做夾擊。佢既籃板都好好,以太陽既籃板,有 marion 同 stoudamire ,再加上佢既威力,籃板會有唔少優勢。

不過都係之前所講,擔心佢既打法配合唔到太陽既快速打法。要做一般中鋒既工作佢都無問題,但係佢唔似 stoudamire,做唔到一個通街跑既中鋒,如果要做反擊快攻,可能會做唔返呢季咁利落。多左 kurt thomas後,就做唔到三個球員企三分線,拉空對方防守效果。

不過 kurt thomas 黎左之後,應該會改戰術既...同埋應會正選上陣。

發表於 2005-6-25 10:25 PM

佢去太陽好有用,因為佢可以做返d dirty work,小霸王已經對外講左好多次,如果要佢留返係太陽的話,佢希望打返大前鋒位,k thomas黎左就啱哂拉

hkcitywong 發表於 2005-6-25 10:50 PM

實死,一見到k.thomas個trade都諗起以前用dan majerle換j.williams,如果真係要中鋒/前鋒,都要換個走動型

發表於 2005-6-25 10:54 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]hkcitywong[/i] at 2005-6-25 10:50 PM:
實死,一見到k.thomas個tr... [/quote]


brightlee 發表於 2005-6-26 06:02 AM


Edison 發表於 2005-6-26 11:28 AM

Dont forgot Suns got Jim Jackson also a good player a 3 pts shooter also can drive in as good as Richarson so even traded Richarson won't really hurt Suns so bad i think Suns not really want it Kurt Thomas they going to trade him also to get a good defensive player.

hkcitywong 發表於 2005-6-26 06:20 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]藍[/i] at 2005-6-25 10:54 PM:

但係今時今日nba有專職中鋒係走動型架咩?(吾好話係小牛廢人丹皮亞哥只) [/quote]

Stoudamire O個一類

shaqkobe 發表於 2005-6-27 12:00 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]藍[/i] at 2005-6-25 22:25:
佢去太陽好有用,因為佢可以做返d dirty work,小霸王已經對外講左好多次,如果要佢留返係太陽的話,佢希望打返大前鋒位,k thomas黎左就啱哂拉 [/quote]

kakueeken 發表於 2005-6-28 01:15 AM

其實我覺得 suns 應該嘗試簽灰熊0既 SWIFT OR NUGGETS 的 NENE,
或者呢一類身材較高、速度快、封波力強0既大前鋒, 打雙大前鋒比較適合他們而家0既打法。我怕 KURT THOMAS 速度跟唔到隊波。

[[i] Last edited by kakueeken on 2005-6-28 at 01:16 AM [/i]]

發表於 2005-6-28 01:20 AM


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