【注意】下載後請將副檔名 .torrent 更改為 .rar 即可 Do i have to change the file name b4 or after download? How come i cant open it everytime [quote]Originally posted by [i]doggyboy[/i] at 2005-6-30 11:28 AM:Do i have to change the file name b4 or after download? How come i cant open it everytime [/quote]
change the extension from xxxx.torrent to xxxx.rar after download [url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=59340&fpage=1]rename 好幫手 torrent -> rar [/url] 其實大家係唔駛轉個extension架,只要o係第一個file right click揀open file as-->winrar再extract, winrar會自動detect同一個extension既file,(in this case, winrar會detect全部.torrent同extract) 男人黎 thx for share 咁難睇的片你又post出來,扣你分先得 無聊 男人黎? [quote]Originally posted by [i]keihell9v2[/i] at 2005-7-1 12:46 AM:
男人黎? [/quote]
三位都係女仕呢 :D 浪費我時間dl同睇及回覆~ 現在的學生都很敢秀啦:D 轉入笑話區