我的朋友遠在美國跟南非用英文版去試驗:I)TWg6I \[^也是同樣的結果w%al+q5s|
太厲害...本人佩服得五體投地RUX ^x[-qp
]ZpB8e Q
打開Microsoft word﹐b*u-R)N$GN#e/e
在第一行打上 =rand(50,50)B(W']!p7u5L0V
[[i] Last edited by 月月鳥 on 2005-7-5 at 08:54 PM [/i]] 咦,咁神奇既,
但係咩意思?? 機會稍縱即逝。 我冇word...........可唔可以話比我知會點呀....? plz......... bug?
@@@ try =rand(30,30), =rand(49,49) , also the same result, so i assume any number will make 機會稍縱即逝 appear 如打=rand(0,0)
那就會消失 有咩睇架究竟??? quite interesting(機會稍縱即逝)
$rlWAX;y e
真係好神奇! ^Q s)hO'M+R
首先開 Microsoft Word,然後打上=rand (200,99),再按「Enter」
先試一試吧! wv3At'RTH_K A&gZ
為何會有此結果呢?暫時仲未有人知道,只知道這是由一個巴西人發現的!j5Oh5ge x#E*|
E#f8Ssl Y(c8}hmx
巴西人發現??? 這是中文:BQ n`%c5[+] P'}
{ 機會稍縱即逝。機會稍縱即逝...........................}總共:
頁數 1065a+J.be ]!v^C
字數 138,200
字元數 (不含空白) 138,200t0c}X } S:d
宇元數 ( 含空白 ) 138,2006G]uLOs8f
段落數 200l4cP5Yl
行數 4,000
半形字 09WR$b_%`}N
全形字 138,200
在powerpoint中打上會出現: The quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.`'^#w:y*R5H p+[pXh
kkF)Q [*d
[[i] Last edited by happylion99 on 2005-6-30 at 06:53 PM [/i]]
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
i tried it.... the numbers inside the bracket multiply...SHG{`)K
=rand(20,20) then you'll see 400 sentences
=rand (10,20) then you'll see 200 sentences.... excel 有 太空車 遊戲 tim! 我係出英文 wor [quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2005-7-1 12:50 AM:
excel 有 太空車 遊戲 tim! [/quote]']&ie'Nk
教我玩~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2005-7-1 12:50 AM:
excel 有 太空車 遊戲 tim! [/quote]
[color=Blue]哈哈~~d22821大大你又黎[/color] :lol: **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 ****
All game can work with specified version only!
[quote]Originally posted by [i]月月鳥[/i] at 2005-7-5 08:55 PM:&elCFg
教我玩~ [/quote]
Microsoft Excel-唔知係咪得97得?
Hidden Flight Sim Game: "Sa.JHl3h_%{.@
:\-VT3L c6r |Y8j
Qz A1g8cwD~ D
1. Open up a new document. ~2Z@"q[-i*wM;iHL
2. Press F5.
3. Type in x97:L97 in the reference box and press enter. )Wq0|[ RTRwO:K|u
4. Press tab. ]1XeTHl5Q;_U
5. Hold down ctrl+shift. 5ww4Bmv0E;ZL H`1D
6. While holding these two buttons click on the chart wizard
button on the icon bar (the button looks like a bar graph).
7. This should take you into a flight sim sort of thing.
8. While in the sim, press the left mouse button to go
forward, the right mouse button to go forward, drag +N5y_4EHRP,yk
left or right to turn, and drag up or down to raise of
lower altitude.7T_y4jn)G'J0M+}
幾好玩嫁, 其實 office97 己經內藏咗依隻game
[[i] Last edited by d228216 on 2005-7-5 at 10:56 PM [/i]] Excel 2000 Spy Hunter
C? _0kl O)J
------ g3D9wpsx5W$\)iG V
submitter- Roshan sharma)z.Sw T)]-}7uF
Email:- [email]roshanboys@rediffmail.com[/email]"b"z gy&V/j e
,p8Y ^I&b2K
Open Excel 2000, (it automatically creates a blank book for you) then
go to File, Save As, then in the dialog box, under where you would type
the file name, select the drop-down menu next to 'Save As Type:' then S P%B0j+`3gZ(@\
select 'Web Page' then just under the large box that lists folders & 9o:RN[V#wR$vS'r w
files, select the radio button for 'Selection: Sheet' then click 'Add
Interactivity' (it is right underneath the 'Selection: Sheet' then
click the 'Publish...' button. In the 'Publish As Web Page' dialog box,
just click the 'Publish' button at the bottom. Oepn the page in Internet 3V8s Bu6n(Y:L*|
Explorer (I used IE 5.0) then scroll or page down to line 2000, then x2PPL;gQR6dz
highlight it (very important) then, without clicking anywhere else, tab
to cell 'WC' then, Shift-CTRL-Alt-Click the Office Logo, then have fun!
I just stayed in the lane I started in and held down the spacebar and 'O' (S!hsx:|S
(as in Oscar) keys and If I saw other cars with headlights on, I pressed
the 'H' key. (The headlights stay on until you click the 'H' key again.) Excel 2002 Spy Hunter
qi"s!~dr8K*D ?
submitter- Roshan sharma%V,Qn(w3tR
Email:- [email]roshanboys@rediffmail.com[/email]
oj O+^}2B m
1. Open Excel 2000. w)Sbd Uq t!}_2O
2. Go to File, Save as Web Page. 5@pcQG7iC#G{e+yI.H
3. Then Click Publish. @3OU.q6d!W} T
4. Check the little box that says "Add Interactively With"
5. Click Publish.
6. Close Excel.
7. Open IE
8. Click File,Open, Browse. j[wc#kaM,Q$A:O.X
9. Go to where you saved it and click open S5]4R*L*Qh M0z y
10. Now you should be looking at a spreadsheet. :s.f|x1Plz]%?nzV
11. Go all the way to row 2000. s3HM7{~
12. Click column A and drag all the way to column ZZ
13. Hit Tab and it should take you back to A. 1rsb)p9cQ M
14. Hold Tab all the way to WC. When you get there make sure WC is a white
box and all the others are green 8GP*AO)n0Vbv;?
15. Hold ctrl + alt + shift and left click on the four puzzle piece thing
(The MS Excel Logo) in the upper left hand corner. Microsoft Windows 3.1}Y0r?;[
View Bill Gates:
Start any program that came with the original Windows installation )H-wXD*l HWy
(Calculator, Clock, etc.) or the Program Manager.
Hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] and select "Help". Keep the keys held and 'VS#lN\gV/}
select "About!". A window will appear with an icon near the top-left
corner. Keep the keys held and double click the center that icon. 5k e@{R0wf6V2E"P+J
Keep the keys held and select "Ok". Repeat these steps while keeping
those keys held at least three times until the picture appears. Microsoft Windows 95
N+D.Z h8R*|.mB:akw
View development team:
Right click on the Desktop. Select "New", and "Folder". Name the ,O'xrBz~]
folder "and now, the moment you've all been waiting for" in lower
case with punctuation. Right click the folder and rename it to "we
proudly present for your viewing pleasure" in lower case. Right
click the folder and rename it to "The Microsoft Windows 95 Product
Team!" with proper case and punctuation. Open the folder to view the B)iL y,dp_
development team and hear extra audio.
Information in this section was contributed by Gol duck. cP%Hmuon"c*|
Volcano names:z:l*}:U?B
Right click on desktop, select "Properties", then the "Screen Saver"
tab. Choose the "3D-Text" screen saver, choose "Settings" and check
"Text" and enter Volcano as the text to display. Preview the screen ?7e)n$\GE
saver to see the names of various volcanoes in the screen saver. :uE+T!?8z
Information in this section was contributed by JAMMINGLEE.
f T6]f1uY&Bf
Windows 3.x Program Manager and File Manager:8C|8p_O#K,`}7?.q
The files for Program Manager and File manager (from Windows 3.xx and
prior) arestill included in the Windows directory under the names 5RO3bMx
progman--- and winfile---. Opening them will run the original Windows
Program Manager and File manager.Mea X _/G5l){ b-{
Information in this section was contributed by Ross M.