娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

raymond302 發表於 2005-6-30 03:57 PM


.Ok5h#JR 也是同樣的結果
l M8~.eH,l9ZL)@_ 證明這是word原始程式的原設計者(Nq},f_ X
裡面最少有一位是中國人i d'f6vcWGF ]
,Y vHej7b5B3l6R 太厲害...本人佩服得五體投地
zL\ fM`Q oR L *VSEwa s.~Z
打開Microsoft word﹐
v6Z:[8xeh 在第一行打上 =rand(50,50)
nu2b g5H)A ~p(x 按enter後看看會有什麼結果~~~G!]n!H d:j F9D!?;d
T M5Gb.HW u4G
+V;^4to7tGc$N:ek N8F;v6?e aLE1v:f(f
[[i] Last edited by 月月鳥 on 2005-7-5 at 08:54 PM [/i]]

良友 發表於 2005-6-30 03:58 PM

!p:O? M8Z?/M S 但係咩意思??

月月鳥 發表於 2005-6-30 04:12 PM


hcee 發表於 2005-6-30 04:17 PM

我冇word...........可唔可以話比我知會點呀....? plz.........

ricojohny 發表於 2005-6-30 04:18 PM

9UO-i-cbX@ =rand(50,50)6PRFW&UZ.h J
T.o^+Z)Bk.n e e Z @@@

CuteDingDong 發表於 2005-6-30 04:30 PM

try =rand(30,30), =rand(49,49) , also the same result, so i assume any number will make 機會稍縱即逝 appear

D9B9A97E 發表於 2005-6-30 04:50 PM

zC/bx/q._ 那就會消失

sun041623 發表於 2005-6-30 05:09 PM


happylion99 發表於 2005-6-30 06:41 PM

quite interesting(機會稍縱即逝)'hu \9cO%\)R{MO*L

_wa4bX;Lw 真係好神奇!
v~!K t9L&G,{"v2WL 首先開 Microsoft Word,然後打上=rand (200,99),再按「Enter」 O6rB`\['BMA@
先試一試吧! ?O&?)P9P+t)_ w:gP

/r:`%K1Ik&Z S a"n:i 為何會有此結果呢?暫時仲未有人知道,只知道這是由一個巴西人發現的!
S7?#I"b nN 'M1JK+QiQ
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v3Gm+O;@*}+Q W e

2|!J:q$M%Y Z| MK 巴西人發現??? 這是中文:0~ z|e iTM|5q K

3uG/dV!M o)g R| { 機會稍縱即逝。機會稍縱即逝...........................}總共:3e?}!P/B

dt0X\:Ri 頁數                   106Aw!V*@)e%o&C
字數                138,200rI&^ z(F!L5T!F}?
字元數 (不含空白)    138,200i ^b@ TY@(t^
宇元數 ( 含空白 )    138,200
g Ur;r.P M#]@/^'| 段落數                  200g4f4GC/o B4r
行數                  4,000
#dK1X7Wy;X,~%\v 半形字                    0;^xBI-DrlIJ
全形字              138,200             (c_.[)n5]3IL

#rk/m0FEbFkx@ 在powerpoint中打上會出現: The quick brown fox jumps over
tNn O*^C&f-P!t:d"| the lazy dog-pcw.r(_i2gk

\'?l k tTc!s3P [[i] Last edited by happylion99 on 2005-6-30 at 06:53 PM [/i]]

hokyk2 發表於 2005-6-30 10:58 PM

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

i tried it.... the numbers inside the bracket multiply...3vq)Jy(m"xg

"Q[9BFw$w6u T&w,{ example:G P#m.o/Do6LGt
=rand(20,20)     then you'll see 400 sentences`6N%X:@9j.Vd!b
=rand (10,20)    then you'll see 200 sentences....

d228216 發表於 2005-7-1 12:50 AM

excel 有 太空車 遊戲 tim!

bigfish 發表於 2005-7-1 04:27 AM

我係出英文 wor

月月鳥 發表於 2005-7-5 08:55 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2005-7-1 12:50 AM:2I&R.T4kIysX,s g
excel 有 太空車 遊戲 tim! [/quote]h5B,K Ty.A/NMP

so1874 發表於 2005-7-5 09:09 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2005-7-1 12:50 AM:
#mZ#@~$gR#F/k     excel 有 太空車 遊戲 tim!     [/quote]
#K,I*z X5jv+C
8{4?[K:yc:O [color=Blue]哈哈~~d22821大大你又黎[/color] :lol:

oo00oo 發表於 2005-7-5 10:36 PM

**** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 ****

d228216 發表於 2005-7-5 10:46 PM

All game can work with specified version only!

[quote]Originally posted by [i]月月鳥[/i] at 2005-7-5 08:55 PM:
~F x$Hv3S
a.v2yZi 教我玩~ [/quote]~,Rc,XW~4V7}#B
Microsoft Excel-唔知係咪得97得?
SjGH6L/@N4Z G G Hidden Flight Sim Game: "gC?(V#?i5G!N[

,]s D|4U l.]*Oi'EGi P|
1. Open up a new document. Tw!BZ%sFN%v;? Kn
2. Press F5. 7\'D4p[l J
3. Type in x97:L97 in the reference box and press enter. T/r6A(OA
4. Press tab.
_w#K-HU9Q 5. Hold down ctrl+shift.
&~!T$];S8| gP 6. While holding these two buttons click on the chart wizard ^2dZ4[B
   button on the icon bar (the button looks like a bar graph).
v~N*Q zzQ6P2S 7. This should take you into a flight sim sort of thing.
h J?"we.l;\Gj 8. While in the sim, press the left mouse button to go _RJp8e&z
   forward, the right mouse button to go forward, drag uD%Nq]#m-XA
   left or right to turn, and drag up or down to raise of
j![%VEu^!q    lower altitude.:T,O n aQ @pR
幾好玩嫁, 其實 office97 己經內藏咗依隻game
tj;p$h~)X *n5EVNm|V
[[i] Last edited by d228216 on 2005-7-5 at 10:56 PM [/i]]

d228216 發表於 2005-7-5 10:48 PM

Excel 2000 Spy Hunter
&{B n&@F Cheat:9^&L Q+T6}
------)L'a:Zc o-da!GkQ
submitter- Roshan sharma'f0U5wRHe
Email:- [email]roshanboys@rediffmail.com[/email]
sa3_ i\*h^H
dr6`}p}mW Open Excel 2000, (it automatically creates a blank book for you) then _S-](j i sVN
go to File, Save As, then in the dialog box, under where you would type
AC9i {P$} the file name, select the drop-down menu next to 'Save As Type:' then my g:{L+Pck/O:]
select 'Web Page' then just under the large box that lists folders & /I3T*t]!h*? @
files, select the radio button for 'Selection: Sheet' then click 'Add
3S'E"_"kd+_*z1FvO Interactivity' (it is right underneath the 'Selection: Sheet' then
2et5PY` d click the 'Publish...' button. In the 'Publish As Web Page' dialog box,
CDaX/] just click the 'Publish' button at the bottom. Oepn the page in Internet U,c&u~9RZ
Explorer (I used IE 5.0) then scroll or page down to line 2000, then -o Uc;g/D
highlight it (very important) then, without clicking anywhere else, tab s"u6R2Y [t ]/[$r*| ~/f
to cell 'WC' then, Shift-CTRL-Alt-Click the Office Logo, then have fun!
7lro7teuc I just stayed in the lane I started in and held down the spacebar and 'O'
_ HX[Fz:c-O)z (as in Oscar) keys and If I saw other cars with headlights on, I pressed
&LCJ3dQ"e6{ the 'H' key. (The headlights stay on until you click the 'H' key again.)

d228216 發表於 2005-7-5 10:49 PM

Excel 2002 Spy HunterLq6y&KB&~`k
{WHl JK1N_
------j+C.Q ~ zv7n(m
submitter- Roshan sharma A0BazC]D bZ
Email:- [email]roshanboys@rediffmail.com[/email]!q*o l9} n [
1. Open Excel 2000.
B)ii`$p'G 2. Go to File, Save as Web Page. ?o9k^?'v0K8]
3. Then Click Publish. K%p5_EV(S
4. Check the little box that says "Add Interactively With" ID"O2l/?(jjs
5. Click Publish. -g*c.f d5|*w
6. Close Excel.
w%R.F/R|B LC 7. Open IE
U'p5^-K9f+k2F-P 8. Click File,Open, Browse. ebf1hmi4_6J_
9. Go to where you saved it and click open
/n^^m.U+us.G;fe 10. Now you should be looking at a spreadsheet.
[ J@A.~&Tr9OG 11. Go all the way to row 2000.
t3^x]K(Wm 12. Click column A and drag all the way to column ZZ
+Q0h+g1sOg][ 13. Hit Tab and it should take you back to A. NE0r0R@5WYuK
14. Hold Tab all the way to WC. When you get there make sure WC is a white
|j*z Tj&Vqx:~     box and all the others are green TxIr-J4p k
15. Hold ctrl + alt + shift and left click on the four puzzle piece thing z6t7O7wDINt"T#K
    (The MS Excel Logo) in the upper left hand corner.

d228216 發表於 2005-7-5 10:50 PM

Microsoft Windows 3.1%q~S&Fg?Y'i

u[hnu#GU sgI View Bill Gates:#Lfi9}3KY
Start any program that came with the original Windows installation
Nq1kg!z)G;O%Z'xq (Calculator, Clock, etc.) or the Program Manager. |_9Y2zE{5tV-LS2?
Hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] and select "Help". Keep the keys held and
4[%K0}XJvr|c select "About!". A window will appear with an icon near the top-left
a/bg&X-M corner. Keep the keys held and double click the center that icon. %D'^%N{yt B
Keep the keys held and select "Ok". Repeat these steps while keeping
f/A teO't those keys held at least three times until the picture appears.

d228216 發表於 2005-7-5 10:51 PM

Microsoft Windows 957eC%I2J ii6uy4n

4P ` DG8m b,^pd$F View development team:$MznZ%y1~2hHe\
----------------------ZV$},Kc}2u8U GO
Right click on the Desktop. Select "New", and "Folder". Name the ?l!P%GP
folder "and now, the moment you've all been waiting for" in lower -?`m+Q6v[.V,L
case with punctuation. Right click the folder and rename it to "we 5z1},f`7FA~1F3a0]
proudly present for your viewing pleasure" in lower case. Right 0IC?']gQk
click the folder and rename it to "The Microsoft Windows 95 Product
3guS2C5K9D Team!" with proper case and punctuation. Open the folder to view the
)Hq\6S)m$U-XL!Z)d development team and hear extra audio.
,{[i\+g&~ Information in this section was contributed by Gol duck. 0h?.y H Q#x$}5\i
5Y-? w U We^0rp
Volcano names:!W.E0m*EC DJ UzH
P\B1W2F] Right click on desktop, select "Properties", then the "Screen Saver"
*B)X+I8CJ S ` tab. Choose the "3D-Text" screen saver, choose "Settings" and check S(]%k0CI.q7r
"Text" and enter Volcano as the text to display. Preview the screen
&X!G|xF+v,z\ saver to see the names of various volcanoes in the screen saver.
"W'}'G,\ C*S0Q Information in this section was contributed by JAMMINGLEE.
N+IG/g2?J1W Windows 3.x Program Manager and File Manager:3] }gC#C(| t(|N
_1D2x6s9D7\J? The files for Program Manager and File manager (from Windows 3.xx and X:Ni4eEg3Z
prior) arestill included in the Windows directory under the names
ZV'_| U;@ |.zg8Nc@ progman--- and winfile---. Opening them will run the original Windows 7Nt:qI%w~n+TC
Program Manager and File manager.
}%];W;t!Up@]u Information in this section was contributed by Ross M.

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