我之前睇過本書( in 圖書館 ) , 佢係本歷史書 , 佢話早期既日本人係母系社會(信史),第一個首領係女巫 ,因此為了鞏固皇權,佢地作了 不少關於 點解只有佢地可做首領的神話 (話自己係神的兒女(日本是多神論的,神與神之間係親人關係 ) , 所以首領 之後變成叫天皇. 直至二戰後,日本才實施君主立憲制 ( 天皇成了精神領袖,由高官掌握實權)所以日本神話只係政治手段(用宗教思想控制人民),大家叫 d 小孩唔好信 ar ~ doesn't matter
it's just their own culture....
we can just read it as a story
you don't need to take it that serious 架仔嘢一向都信唔過!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]史艷文2[/i] at 2005-7-3 12:39 PM:
架仔嘢一向都信唔過!! [/quote]
not just Japanese
even the stories about Vampires in Europe
everyone knows Vampire was just a novel story back in 17 or 18 century's
there are still some people believe that there are vampires
just don't take those things too serious....