恭喜~到時我地香港睇係下午定半夜呀~? [quote]Originally posted by [i]tkk2p[/i] at 2005-7-6 08:04 PM:
到時我地香港睇係下午定半夜呀~? [/quote]
@@半夜 巴黎衰左,大熱倒灶tiM 碧咸係宣傳果陣同細路打籃球...=.=” 唔知我12年仲會唔會在英國??? YEAH! 唔錯吖...對我黎講冇分別..XDDDDD 很像以4票勝出 ^^" i heard this in the news =.= [quote]Originally posted by [i]gigg11[/i] at 2005-7-6 08:23 PM:
唔知我12年仲會唔會在英國??? [/quote]
哦~咁你會幾時返?:o [quote]Originally posted by [i]wanmankit[/i] at 2005-7-6 08:10 PM:
巴黎衰左,大熱倒灶tiM [/quote]
可惜呀,我本人都係支持巴黎多d,不過吾緊要拉,搞得好睇就得 [quote]Originally posted by [i]tkk2p[/i] at 2005-7-6 08:16 PM:
碧咸係宣傳果陣同細路打籃球...=.=” [/quote]
關事咩= =",加上段新聞好似話現場冇奧運宣傳logo果d野 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** London is a very bad city Look at wat happen today ... [quote]Originally posted by [i]lliu[/i] at 2005-7-7 08:20 PM:
Look at wat happen today ... [/quote]
咪就係...又會咁岩今日發生 如果早一日發生的話,巴黎一定係主辦國 [quote]Originally posted by [i]tkk2p[/i] at 2005-7-7 21:23:
咪就係...又會咁岩今日發生 [/quote]
故意用來'慶祝'London奪得2012奧運主辦權 [quote]Originally posted by [i]abc123aa[/i] at 2005-7-7 09:59 PM:
如果早一日發生的話,巴黎一定係主辦國 [/quote]
係喎~真夠運呀~ Ho Sum la
it's not joking for this
Where's your heart?
maybe I am a little bit angry.. but think deeply, they are human.. and many of them.. they never know anything, then passed away
What is your feeling if you were one of their relatives??
Pls don't joke anything about diasater......
that's nothing to joke at all.........