Cleveland成功簽下Larry Hughes
在失去Ray Allen 和 Michael Redd後,Cleveland迅速的與Larry Hughes簽約.Larry Hughes將離開Washington去到Cleveland和James合作.
Larry Hughes上個賽季進步神速,更成為聯盟最好的防守球員之一. 他的實力絕對不比Ray Allen 和 Michael Redd差多少,更重要的是,他甘願做James的副手,這是Ray Allen 和 Michael Redd都做不到的.
我相信Larry Hughes和James將帶領Cleveland向冠軍衝擊. there's still the big problem of signing back Big Z first. if they can't, their chances of getting to playoffs is not as high since they don't have another Legit center pls post it in NBA transaction section,