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bigfish 發表於 2005-7-16 05:26 AM

最被低估 NBA 球星


bigfish 發表於 2005-7-16 05:29 AM

個人覺得佢身手及得上卡達, kobe 佢地, 不過佢效力o既球隊冇一個好o既拍擋, so 咁多年來都一事無成
其實上季o既 kobe 同埋效力 raptors o既 carter 一樣都係一事無成, 不過兩人都係入樽賽冠軍兼 mj 接班人, so 大家直覺覺得佢地好過皮雅斯ja ma

step025 發表於 2005-7-16 06:12 AM

baron davis!!!

i found out that when ppl talk about the best pg in the league, they would rather say sf3 that is not a real pg, but no one would mention about BD.

golden state starting to become a strong team, we could see that after BD arrived. He could motivate other players in GSW... j-rich, dunleavy, pietrus, murphy......he could give out 20+points and 10+assist in every single given night. also he could be a 3-pointer when u need him to be, and dun forget that his dunks could inspire all ppl.

brightlee 發表於 2005-7-16 08:23 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]step025[/i] at 2005-7-16 08:12:
baron davis!!!

i found out that ... [/quote]

but if you look at what Baron Davis doing on the count, you will see one problem:
He shoots too much!!
Like Stephen Marbury, he would be deciding to shoot rather passing on the field
ie Kevin Johnson style, not John Stockton style.
The bad thing is: like Stephen, his shoot selection is bad.
i.e. even the stats is showing he's giving u 20 pts, 10 assists.
I never think he's that good as in advertistments

[[i] Last edited by brightlee on 2005-7-16 at 12:48 PM [/i]]

step025 發表於 2005-7-16 08:57 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-7-16 08:23 AM:

but if you look at what Baron D... [/quote]

yea, stephon and baron are the same type of pg and also good pg, which could give u big numbers, and i agree that u say they shoot too much, but compare baron and stephon on the court u could see baron has better leadership which i think stephon has none, stephon is a self-confident person and think he doesn't need other ppl to support, we could knew that when he trade out from minnesota

for sure i think they both r not the best pg in the league, but they r good pg and well i think baron davis is truly the  最被低估 NBA 球星, he has good skillz but ppl just can't think about him when talking about popular nba star which i think he already is

step025 發表於 2005-7-16 09:01 AM

yea also there are more this type of 雙能衛 in the leage
dwayne wade, gilbert arenas, baron davis, stephon marbury, steve francis

雷公 發表於 2005-7-16 11:52 AM


TX_Liz@rD 發表於 2005-7-16 12:42 PM

i picked 拉利曉士

Don't really have 2 say much about him...just look @ his states from last season : close to 26 points per game..6 rebounds and 4 assist....almost the same as Lebron James around 22 points per game....5 reboounds and 5 assist....and 拉利曉士 brought the Wizards into the playoff second round.....but Lebron James didn't........So in my point of view...拉利曉士 is the most underated guard in NBA

PS.: 拉利曉士 will b joinning with Lebron James soon next season....hope they will bring the Cavs further in the playoff next season!!

足球王 發表於 2005-7-16 12:43 PM


brightlee 發表於 2005-7-16 01:46 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]雷公[/i] at 2005-7-16 13:52:
以後還會繼續被人低估... [/quote]

I loved to use A. Jamison in yahoo game about few years ago
But at least, he played for all-star once...
Larry Hughes doesn't play in all-star game.......

oicoic 發表於 2005-7-16 02:07 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]足球王[/i] at 2005-7-16 12:43 PM:
拉利曉士 [/quote]

bigfish 發表於 2005-7-16 02:31 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]TX_Liz@rD[/i] at 2005-7-16 12:42 PM:
i picked 拉利曉士

Don't really h... [/quote]
兩個都打一二號位, 會唔會重叠呀??

shaqkobe 發表於 2005-7-16 11:32 PM


harvey22 發表於 2005-7-17 03:15 AM

shawn bradly for sure.. no one respect him

亨九利 發表於 2005-7-17 12:10 PM

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shaqkobe 發表於 2005-7-17 12:52 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]亨九利[/i] at 2005-7-17 12:10:
[i][size=5]以前有洛文, 而家唔知......[/size][/i] [/quote]

亨九利 發表於 2005-7-17 01:04 PM

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shaqkobe 發表於 2005-7-17 01:07 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]亨九利[/i] at 2005-7-17 13:04:

:P:D:D [/quote]

coke123 發表於 2005-7-17 02:19 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-7-17 01:07 PM:

的確係無人睇得起佢既得分能力,不過佢又真係好差喎! [/quote]
但板主你知唔知rodman 有一年曾經攞過 平衡 十一二分 (好似係第二年打NBA), 重有佢大學時好似有 15 -20 分average ga.  可能後來佢發覺佢搶 rebound 先係佢天份, 所以就放棄搶分ga 能力!

shaqkobe 發表於 2005-7-17 02:32 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]coke123[/i] at 2005-7-17 14:19:

但板主你知唔知rodman 有一年曾經攞... [/quote]

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