國王的新衣 (Sacramento Kings)
季後賽的國王,彷彿穿了國王的新衣,弱點毫無保留的暴露在敵人面前,Bibby的超爛演出,Peja 的3 分熄火,B Miller 腳傷影響,問題在哪裡?下一季該如何是好?原本的強權,如今顏面掃地,國王下一季會奪回政權,還是駕崩呢?先講講我認為Kings 上季失敗的主要原因
前幾年, Kings是二個禁區的大個子在主導攻勢,帶動得讓整個隊伍每個人都變的非常會傳球,但是二個大個子這個球季先後離開,感覺傳球的流動大不如前(畢竟球場上三個人會傳球變成只有一個人會傳球當然差多了)球隊的體質不同了,教練仍沿用以往的打法而不思改變,當然一蹶不振。如果維持現狀,明年我看好國王仍會進季後賽,但會離冠軍愈來愈遠。
是不是把PEJA也放棄la? I think they are in transcation stage
in the meantimes, they did it really well when they trade Brad Miller.....
but when you saw the starting lineup in early last year,... Doug Christine was in there, and Chris Webber was inconsistency, you should know that.. this team needed to resturcture
They got 2 great trade last year, you may think, oh, they lost Chris Webber, but that's good for them in future
Well, Bonzi Wells will be the Kings missing piece, yes, off the court, Bonzi gave a lot of troubles (like when he was in Portland, but remember, when this guy step up, he is one of the best SG/SF in whole league)
He could give you around 20 points per night, well, they will have bright future next year
See, one of the problems if you see Peja and C. Mobley, both of them are shooters... and they are bad in defense... ie. they were not as balance as they were since 2000
Rick Adelman is one of the best coaches in NBA, so let see what's happen this year. **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]jiese[/i] at 2005-7-28 18:59:
C. Mobley is going to signed with Clipper. [/quote]
Read clearly for my writing.
that's why I say, Bonzi Wells can help Kings, cause he could defense, which C. Mobley doesn't have it ....... 見到個題目,仲以為帝王換咗新球衣添 :D:D [quote]Originally posted by [i]秋葉林[/i] at 2005-7-28 19:28:
見到個題目,仲以為帝王換咗新球衣添 :D:D [/quote]
yes, I got the same...... mind too....:cool::cool: [quote]Originally posted by [i]秋葉林[/i] at 2005-7-28 05:28 PM:
見到個題目,仲以為帝王換咗新球衣添 :D:D [/quote]
係咩 Four will have a lot of comments...
watch it!!! 新人輪選好似冇咩好收穫, 寄望球員交換會有些幫助啦 科竟然無入黎。 He will be coming..
trust me...!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-7-28 20:40:
He will be coming..
trust me...!! [/quote]
我都信佢一定會黎既。haha:D **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** well...... i m not a fan of kings...and i want to see they fall badly so my warriors could take their spot......:cool:
yea i also think bonzi wells is a better defender than cuttino, i mean mobley is not a horrible defender but still not as good as bonzi wells, and also there is a distance between bonzi and doug....since doug could be one of the best defender in the league, but sadly he is too old :(
i think what they really need now is someone that could pass the ball, which could help bibby to fire more; and also never look at peja could be a good leader, now in kings, the leader must be bibby so what they need is someone that could pass the ball either a insider or another guard KINGS 真的換了球衣, 不過個人認為設計十分醜陋。
以往的白紫, 紫黑甚至粉藍色, 都比這件好。
PACERS 的新衣好型, 不知大家有沒有看過 ? haaa
four is not coming in