我成日上上下網右下角電腦icon(即係有兩部細電腦黐埋一齊個)都會話我連線係有限或沒有連線能力的區域連線,之後我開親咩網頁都會話找不到伺服器.但係隔一陣之後我用修復個function來修復就會回復正常,有冇大大可以話我知係咩原因呢?Thx! I am not sure by just reading what you mentionedI guess it is probably because of the cable line that you're using.
There is problem with the cable line that sometimes it is connected to the computer well and sometimes it is not.....
when it is not connected well to your computer, you won't be able to get to any website
that is one of the possiblities.
other possibilities would be because of your router(if you're using one)
but I think you should check your cable first since you can sometimes connect to the internet (or sometimes partially connected)