1 林伯特1234 2,189.50
2 cqeggla 2,133.50
3 twins star 2,097.00
跌左落第4...慘!!!><" 我今週因為打左9個 , so暫時幾高分 , 但係當大家既兩週人踢埋就會唔同哂=.= **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** I couldn't add any points this week cos I am still waiting for the results between Liverpool and Charlton tomorrow 唔好咁講 , 咩事都有機會發生=.= 爆分係成日發生既事la... 100幾分其實兩三個week就追到=.=
我而家向住overall rank 500進發a""a 而家Overall Rank: 666 ,係我玩咁多年(3年) 最高既一次 Weekly winner:
Lampard 1234
Monthly winner Wk 21-24
1)Lampard 1234 415.5 points
2) Jubilo_Iwarta 357.5 points
3) Tim_tim Team 331.0 points
Please leave 2 messages in here so I can add points 仲有第一:dev: 唔該哂板主:clap: Why got error one?Ruud van Nistelrooy score one only but there got two goals then more worse is C.Ronaldo score two but there is four goals.If this error din fix then not fair to the others. **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]
I see i see.Thanks. 想問下 dad dad 個 nba league 係咪唔加分喇? :o:cry: [quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2006-2-15 11:58:
想問下 dad dad 個 nba league 係咪唔加分喇? :o:cry: [/quote]
yes, cos not many people are playing in NBA league.........
I checked and noticed about that!!!:):) [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2006-2-15 10:06 AM:
yes, cos not many people are playing in NBA league.........
I checked and noticed about that!!!:):) [/quote]
又或者依邊o既 yahoo league, 都係得高分o個10幾個玩緊呢~ :haha:
所以加分都係o個幾個 :) Weekly winner, wk 28
1) Lampard 1234
2) cqeggla
3) Twins star
Week 29
1) cgeggla
2) Lampard 1234
3) Martix
Monthly winnner, wk 25-28
they are:1) No Name: 364.5
2) Dennis 7477 350.5
3) Killers 329
Wah.. something maybe changing now...~~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2006-3-1 03:25 PM:
they are:
1) No Name: 364.5
2) Dennis 7477 350.5
3) Killers 329
Wah.. something maybe changing now...~~~ [/quote]
the killers is here. thx :clap: