brightlee 發表於 2006-3-2 10:04 PM
alan, one more message in here please, thanks!~!!!
Alan1234 發表於 2006-3-3 03:01 PM
thx! bright :)
jublio 發表於 2006-3-5 08:48 PM
wow, i just find out i was monthly winner in Feb... Wow, quite suprise.....
becos i m a little bit busy and dont have much time to change player and look at the soccer news so bad this disappointed.....
brightlee 發表於 2006-3-6 03:35 AM
julio, please leave one more message in here
brightlee 發表於 2006-3-11 10:27 PM
week 30th winners:
1) cqeggla
2) Lampard 1234
3) Matrix
brightlee 發表於 2006-3-18 11:08 AM
wk 31th winner
2) Lampard 1234
3) Matrix
Ice 發表於 2006-3-18 01:13 PM
can't belive i can still be in the top 3 without changing the team for weeks...:)
brightlee 發表於 2006-3-18 09:35 PM
yes, so do I!
arsenalhrs 發表於 2006-3-22 03:13 PM
ya 今週追番唔少lu , 穩守第2位==
arsenalhrs 發表於 2006-3-30 10:45 PM
好野-- 重回第一位lu =.= 係咪有分加:clap:
brightlee 發表於 2006-3-31 09:31 AM
wai... sorry ah..
I was so busy to do some church stuff in whole week, I couldn't do anything at home other than... church stuff...
I will be doing ... back on Sat.
.. sorry!!!
arsenalhrs 發表於 2006-4-1 06:53 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2006-3-31 09:31 AM:
wai... sorry ah..
I was so busy to do some church stuff in whole week, I couldn't do anything at home other than... church stuff...
I will be doing ... back on Sat.
.. sorry!!! [/quote]
唔使sorry ^^ 你幫我地加分都好唔話得la^^
brightlee 發表於 2006-4-1 08:54 PM
Hey, just do all the things together on next Tuesday, ok?!
arsenalhrs 發表於 2006-4-2 11:54 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2006-4-1 08:54 PM:
Hey, just do all the things together on next Tuesday, ok?!
hehehehehhehehe [/quote]
冇問題 , 不過Tuesday即係星期四定星期二=.= 突然唔記得=.=
艾力克 發表於 2006-4-3 12:18 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]arsenalhrs[/i] at 2006-4-2 11:54 PM:
冇問題 , 不過Tuesday即係星期四定星期二=.= 突然唔記得=.= [/quote]
星期二呀~ :D
thursday 先係星期四 :good:
arsenalhrs 發表於 2006-4-5 02:14 PM
板主加分未? 過左星期二la:haha:
brightlee 發表於 2006-4-5 02:59 PM
sorry, cos that's a match this morning
so I will add u points tmr night
arsenalhrs 發表於 2006-4-7 07:21 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2006-4-5 02:59 PM:
sorry, cos that's a match this morning
so I will add u points tmr night [/quote]
完左la wo .. 加分未? A_A
Alan1234 發表於 2006-5-10 10:52 AM
Final Table~
1 cqeggla 3,520.00
2 林伯特1234 3,353.50
3 Master 3,325.00
4 the killers 3,322.00
5 twins star 3,308.00
6 Jubilo_Iwata 3,111.50
7 chelsea_star 3,051.00
8 Temple United 2,989.50
9 kk4683 2,980.00
10 dennis7477 2,940.50
my team 4th. just 3 points behind 3rd :(
and i think there is some previous points still to be add.
brightlee 發表於 2006-5-10 10:53 AM
Hey, give me some time tonight
I will fix up all the things