因果...一,我唔覺得一定...唔係absolutely...好多exceptional case...而且好多宗教都有因果既comtent呀? **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** I am interested in "truth", and am kind of looking for it. Here are some of my thoughts:
1) The truth should be objective, be it "good" or "bad".
因果, 差變好, 好變差, etc. They are not neccessary related to the truth. Why would believing the "truth" and acting in a certain way lead to the better? The truth might be a terrible thing after all. One cannot say "this must be the truth because it gives you something good."
2) The "truth" should be universial.
The "truth" should not be confined in 宗教, 科學, etc. Because if something is true, it should be accounted by any rational methods.
3) Mankind can only know/verify the "truth" up to a certain accuracy. Because human is errorprone.
4) Something could be random.
The "truth" might not be able to account for everything. One possible reason of something happening is... it happens. Why can't "randomness" be an answer? [quote]Originally posted by [i]westsider[/i] at 2005-8-17 06:57 PM:
I am interested in "truth"... [/quote]
講得對。 其实我地最好就系只讲自己点解认为自己个信仰靠得住,唔好去话其他人既信仰唔可靠。无论基督教、天主教、佛教、道教、回教,甚至系无神论者,都可以分享自己既睇法、见证、经验。但系攻击其他人既信仰就真系无point,任你聪明绝顶,都唔会俾你讲得通,始终全部都系个人睇法,从来未试过有人可以prove到神、佛存在或者唔存在。攻击其他人,唔单止乞人憎,更加令其他人对你既信仰(或者唔去信)反感,根本就说服唔到人,仲衰过唔讲。 既然你問, 咁我就抒發個人意見, 我覺得天主教一定真過基督教 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 你好似講到天主教唔信耶穌咁,畢竟基督教只是馬丁路德因不滿主流而自行分割出去的新教 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 ****
信仰只係一個精神寄託,同個人行為無直接關係,係好人定衰人吾應該睇佢信物野神,係睇佢做物野人,所以各位宗教人仕亦無胃互相攻擊. 我又有少少唔同意, 因為猶太教同天主教/基督教的教義係有衝突, 所以紛爭難以避免 [quote]Originally posted by [i]research2005010[/i] at 2005-8-21 01:16 PM:我又有少少唔同意, 因為猶太教同天主教/基督教的教義係有衝突, 所以紛爭難以避免 [/quote]
[信仰]比較抽象,信者只有一個[念]字,又無直得益,各人為左虛浮的教義執著而起衝突,實是無胃. **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]bengrace50[/i] at 2005-8-22 03:38 PM:
你知道中國內地現在的人點解無乜道德觀嗎? 就是十年文革將一切宗教、文化切底的破壞,所以人就算現在讀到好高學歷,但道德方面就差到極。 見到bb放在馬路邊都無人理、有人被水浸又要收錢才肯救人! 中國人...唉![/quote]
This example really shows that "道德" and "the truth" are mutually exclusive.
Think about it: "十年文革將一切宗教、文化切底的破壞", then "中國人無乜道德". This fact shows that "道德" is NOT universial. It is purely a result of "宗教、文化" and it depends on the upbringing of a person. This would not have happened if "道德" is part of "the truth".
Something that leads to better "道德" is not necessarily "the truth", and there is no reason of believing human nature is "good".
Also, a "宗教" should not be judged based on "道德".
[[i] Last edited by westsider on 2005-8-23 at 06:59 PM [/i]] **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]#35
Originally posted by bengrace50 at 2005-8-22 03:38 PM:
你知道中國內地現在的人點解無乜道德觀嗎? 就是十年文革將一切宗教、文化切底的破壞,所以人就算現在讀到好高學歷,但道德方面就差到極。 見到bb放在馬路邊都無人理、有人被水浸又要收錢才肯救人! 中國人...唉!
This example really shows that "道德" and "the truth" are mutually exclusive.
Think about it: "十年文革將一切宗教、文化切底的破壞", then "中國人無乜道德". This fact shows that "道德" is NOT universial. It is purely a result of "宗教、文化" and it depends on the upbringing of a person. This would not have happened if "道德" is part of "the truth".
Something that leads to better "道德" is not necessarily "the truth", and there is no reason of believing human nature is "good".
Also, a "宗教" should not be judged based on "道德".
[ Last edited by westsider on 2005-8-23 at 06:59 PM ]
最多話兩者無關係啫, 點樣推得到 "mutually exclusive"?? 大陆D野真系劲恐怖,咩野假奶粉、假蛋、毒猪肉、毒发菜、毒粉丝、毒茶叶都有。D人为左揾钱,再伤天害理既野都敢做;穷既话,死系街边D人都只系当睇热闹。人心散哂,仲要大把迷信野,邪教就不在话下、石头又拜、树又拜、有D连食BB养颜都信、都去试,简直唔系人。正派D既信仰反而门庭冷落,真系听到都心寒。 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 其实讲起都几可惜,毛泽东本来系个劲聪明既人;一手一脚将共产党由民间组织变成主管中国生死既大党,讲才智能力直情比得上中国古代D开国君主,本来中国可以由此重新振作,但系中年就开始腐败、要面子、唔认输,搞D咩野大跃进、三反五反、土法炼钢,将中国本来既经济、文化、历史破坏哂;尤其系文化大革命,搞到好似圣经讲世界末日时甘样:“民要攻打民,国要攻打国”、“父母要与子女为敌,兄弟要与姐妹为敌,邻舍要与邻舍为敌”,连人最基本既亲情都抹煞埋,净系文革十年都唔知有几多人系俾自己父母、亲人、朋友、邻居杀死既。结果咪人人自私自利、你死你践,成个国家唔止停顿十年,另加倒退十年,所以E家个国家越发达、D人就越恐怖。