娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

bengrace50 發表於 2005-8-29 06:05 PM

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westsider 發表於 2005-8-29 11:24 PM


But some Buddist told me that all they're chasing is 菩薩's "help".

So is "seeking 菩薩's help" an [b]essential[/b] believe of Buddism?

Can one look for only 度己/度己度人, but not for 菩薩's "help"???

bengrace50 發表於 2005-8-30 12:26 AM

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westsider 發表於 2005-8-30 12:33 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bengrace50[/i] at 2005-8-30 12:26 AM:

你說的那未必是佛教徒,可能是拜神的世俗人。正式佛教徒如法修行,你不求佛菩薩都自然助你修行。 [/quote]

"拜神的世俗人" 不是 佛教徒?!  um... but they based their believe in their "佛教"...

so from the correct 佛教 point-of-view, "拜神的世俗人" are totally wrong?

And based on the correct 佛教, does "拜神" do anything good for them?

bengrace50 發表於 2005-8-30 12:35 AM

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westsider 發表於 2005-8-30 12:41 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bengrace50[/i] at 2005-8-30 12:35 AM:
布殊同其他教徒的分別。 [/quote]

I like your answer.

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