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mingP 發表於 2005-8-23 06:15 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sfxc0000[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:11 PM:
;mv8R0A2u (張開手中) [/quote]
h[9MH$I3G*u[t'Y 好掛住你啊~~!tGcO j~2H.NKj

瑞比 發表於 2005-8-23 06:16 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]mingP[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:15 PM:
5jP0phNK{ 4LxN:p&f(e[dp
好掛住你啊~~ d'I)y+\;}-LI
估不到你个兽行现行左~ [/quote]K:w |qT*Y`;s

mingP 發表於 2005-8-23 06:16 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]twh1110[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:11 PM:sIW3? tH t Z.P
我呢??? [/quote]F G"L f6gX'y

sfxc0000 發表於 2005-8-23 06:16 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]瑞比[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:14 PM:
$P@Ee B (U S3BC,}"R0}
:D:):D:) [/quote]j+m'S~sBg`
唔好亂咁改.......... =.="

sfxc0000 發表於 2005-8-23 06:17 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]mingP[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:15 PM:,r FE%mh%ku Pp

2HV!~4s*U-a7c 好掛住你啊~~
w0m;[dh,G(r-}k(] 估不到你个[color=Red]兽行[/color]现行左~ [/quote]l5s;R;A,x ],M

瑞比 發表於 2005-8-23 06:17 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sfxc0000[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:16 PM: Z5[4W_JP9x

U-J(X%o/G4thUES 唔好亂咁改.......... =.=" [/quote]
uT-^]3wH"owa 你個心咁諗:cool:
.C!ra VW2] ?*N |M4H ^ ~,|-r

mingP 發表於 2005-8-23 06:17 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]瑞比[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:14 PM:
&[Ql6C aC g6B*] i air$m;hr&q
x*C^/b:]Bt 可以叫我比:) [/quote]
d;o K:t_ 甘你叫我米啦~
+rfbt,@(I nice to meet u~

瑞比 發表於 2005-8-23 06:19 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]mingP[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:17 PM:q}n"^T;RE

QPa5EB_8@ 甘你叫我米啦~Bf ] C!Tn Q,`@
nice to meet u~ [/quote]
`UH?:_@hI 米米333333333333333

mingP 發表於 2005-8-23 06:21 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]瑞比[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:19 PM:~;r2N/by$r9V

3RM-n"O [ A5r 米米333333333333333 [/quote]
;ro }r(y2X~ y so many 333?4UZ X&v0Hk%ju

瑞比 發表於 2005-8-23 06:23 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]mingP[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:21 PM: e z:DFg R|p {|

;i?${:`!s y so many 333?W_1pzJw(j p$]
比比比比比比比比比比比比比比比比!!!!!!!!! [/quote]
4y3Y+E b?/m 開心lawg2I5k)T\k,n

P%}BO'h*Jp$f]Yd 00仲咩突然咁文靜;)

sfxc0000 發表於 2005-8-23 06:24 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]瑞比[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:23 PM:
:KHEa-] z-U/a)f q%X2VXs
開心lawHZ'b uI5oi'V9_'q

sq)A?2i q.Q7X4m 00仲咩突然咁[color=Red]文靜[/color];) [/quote]/[B5}g?uky

mingP 發表於 2005-8-23 06:25 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sfxc0000[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:24 PM: q"`/nV5__*QP1h

6p.P S*Q3o IiA 真本性;) [/quote]j0C uM v'^@PN

sfxc0000 發表於 2005-8-23 06:26 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]mingP[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:25 PM:
GR@4OnVY7W/W inB:X/g#@
晤好骗人啦~ [/quote]
7a)u,Z `NcrsB 咁講野o架.... =.="

瑞比 發表於 2005-8-23 06:26 PM


twh1110 發表於 2005-8-23 06:26 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sfxc0000[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:24 PM:
Yi'A^Vb,i j 真本性;) [/quote]
GQ|;A:o.OD4N ...............=.="N;e$g6VD8nfO4W,^x

sfxc0000 發表於 2005-8-23 06:27 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]twh1110[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:26 PM:
\eR7F e,d h\9k ;_ N&I*C Z~/}0a_;Dla
N!q-P;af 唔好玩la~ [/quote]
?:Z$v%fS`Z ........ =.="G;d8BS"hT3W_

d7Be,I]Y2b$\ 拜拜~比比 =.=

mingP 發表於 2005-8-23 06:30 PM


sfxc0000 發表於 2005-8-23 06:32 PM

我都閃喇, 拜拜 all:)

mingP 發表於 2005-8-23 06:33 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sfxc0000[/i] at 2005-8-23 06:26 PM:]:C r:MY/~g

ji6[x*fCU7[0`T 咁講野o架.... =.=" [/quote]
)y1q N rDaN_L sorry............

左輪仔 發表於 2005-8-23 06:33 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sfxc0000[/i] at 2005-8-23 18:32:(v H B"h l&WM:r#l;wt
我都閃喇, 拜拜 all:) [/quote]*O0l9T~6c

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