娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

abwong886 發表於 2005-8-26 06:49 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]mingP[/i] at 2005-8-26 06:46 PM:$^,n/Kj6A(G B
系啦~你有没有msn啊? [/quote]P1aQ\f#q tVO

mingP 發表於 2005-8-26 06:50 PM

can u give me?

abwong886 發表於 2005-8-26 06:52 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]mingP[/i] at 2005-8-26 06:50 PM:;N*p E T X
can u give me? [/quote]
zQ;yP ~ tDl 遲D先:D

mingP 發表於 2005-8-26 06:54 PM

ok lo~~
x+Oj\]x?8t,jx r then i wn to go liao la~~
i\7aH_ see u next time lA~~

abwong886 發表於 2005-8-26 06:55 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]mingP[/i] at 2005-8-26 06:54 PM:
p0eD.rsH9`Oy(|S^ ok lo~~)o+]BAb\\ xRA
then i wn to go liao la~~"Z3V U W+R C
see u next time lA~~ [/quote]
j@)h;m?!w:d 唔該可唔可以冇用英文;):o:P

mingP 發表於 2005-8-26 06:58 PM

好啦~我要走啦~\0\H)a U?Xs"d
d_O([6v l,iK.L 还有,很高兴认识你啦~

abwong886 發表於 2005-8-26 07:12 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]mingP[/i] at 2005-8-26 06:58 PM: t{B6d0u*]]
o........2QdTX7`a+d LP]
z0\)X_QY%IR+x 下次再见啦!
)Fw-qN$p1yd 还有,很高兴认识你啦~ [/quote]
B"Fh9Z+E-U 88,後會有期

月月鳥 發表於 2005-8-26 07:15 PM


abwong886 發表於 2005-8-26 07:17 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]月月鳥[/i] at 2005-8-26 07:15 PM:,j`!]y\6E.L
hi~all [/quote]
;GDm DZ*pnn hi  雀王

月月鳥 發表於 2005-8-26 07:22 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]abwong886[/i] at 2005-8-26 07:17 PM:0F w-z Ro4nns$D};g1|
s,B ^.|#z6jX
hi  雀王 [/quote]]z"_o[

abwong886 發表於 2005-8-26 07:23 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]月月鳥[/i] at 2005-8-26 07:22 PM:5x~ mX4v4YE

$rii3B&@J*W xK hi~~strong [/quote]
qq0fp"s&l8K why

月月鳥 發表於 2005-8-26 07:25 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]abwong886[/i] at 2005-8-26 07:23 PM:
|IL `3x3I
x B4VE3B+~ why [/quote]q.^n8~_
强 = strong

abwong886 發表於 2005-8-26 07:28 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]月月鳥[/i] at 2005-8-26 07:25 PM:Z*@-{j v X*_L

k&g0x)W-~ 强 = strong [/quote]JZ6TF5~9}P#M

左輪仔 發表於 2005-8-26 07:45 PM


月月鳥 發表於 2005-8-26 07:47 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]abwong886[/i] at 2005-8-26 07:28 PM:
S.E-ae7h#H %cSCv2hf
明白:o:D:( [/quote]0@*{m1fp3Q*^Bn C

abwong886 發表於 2005-8-26 07:58 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]左輪仔[/i] at 2005-8-26 07:45 PM:
b`!{z1r 正式回來 [/quote]2D1|(]Z/e Z6WFM
hi  左仔

abwong886 發表於 2005-8-26 07:58 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]月月鳥[/i] at 2005-8-26 07:47 PM:
/t8R4P7e1W5t!U 明白咪得囉 [/quote]RuCQD,AMNK

月月鳥 發表於 2005-8-26 07:59 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]左輪仔[/i] at 2005-8-26 07:45 PM:`+FB]%]A O
正式回來 [/quote]
7v V Z/?U3?4QU1o/vk hi~!左

月月鳥 發表於 2005-8-26 08:00 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]abwong886[/i] at 2005-8-26 07:58 PM:
8MW? } q^ 冇錯:) [/quote]8?'l x S/j4H0l5E9FV.v
55~~be strong:lol:

左輪仔 發表於 2005-8-26 08:02 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]月月鳥[/i] at 2005-8-26 19:59:
6Yu.X%Y#aA n{`'b E I3Z2MN
hi~!左 [/quote]
4Jq)l L8? HI~雀,強

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