娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

neptune1122 發表於 2005-9-1 10:07 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]月月鳥[/i] at 10:04 PM 22:04:^I[7l1}-b

6C1Y iG"gtA'SI yes!!3aux'UGza z
if a member see that all reply are 88,hi!!! o n+c&_:A;h/T$L
then they feel no mood~ [/quote]
f T G!e3Jl6j 打華語OK!!!!:mad::mad:

wer 發表於 2005-9-1 10:07 PM

IX3Vg6iu8f [*]你話你怕羞,我諗通常女仔先會怕羞,但就唔想咁直接, Q iVJH9i9y
5Xed9rn9CY 閃人

月月鳥 發表於 2005-9-1 10:07 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]abwong886[/i] at 2005-9-1 10:06 PM:RS`-TK
M@v DU(Q
我都要sleep,眼訓,明天要上學, 88 [/quote]%V6N|u{)K?

月月鳥 發表於 2005-9-1 10:08 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]neptune1122[/i] at 2005-9-1 10:07 PM:
,n,r u w:X%H#Q
F/D*_BD lf6i4x)X 打華語OK!!!!:mad::mad: [/quote]
d$Z?Ib ??????

twh1110 發表於 2005-9-1 10:08 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]月月鳥[/i] at 2005-9-1 10:04 PM:
/hEdaF!AU3f \f(iM6r{QM
yes!!5b%Y6W4A7r&J s-G)J?
if a member see that all reply are 88,hi!!!,HpV4[ f5|$S
then they feel no mood~ [/quote]
'Bj[H!Q?4Q8y 講得好應~

neptune1122 發表於 2005-9-1 10:08 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]wer[/i] at 10:05 PM 22:05:
Y3{6h4WXte:x 又要sleep la 明天見 88 [/quote]7`(m&t,IbC?,L1T3g
ok bye~~~

twh1110 發表於 2005-9-1 10:08 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]neptune1122[/i] at 2005-9-1 10:07 PM::@U G%CnI-t

&`6uGO(]8j#J/n 打華語OK!!!!:mad::mad: [/quote]"bNh [h5M.W

月月鳥 發表於 2005-9-1 10:10 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]twh1110[/i] at 2005-9-1 10:08 PM:
}@T X1F]*YB8c 講得好應~ [/quote]
%kfAT;dSZ zkw hi~~tt~~~

neptune1122 發表於 2005-9-1 10:11 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]twh1110[/i] at 10:08 PM 22:08:
~$TRR,t5b%g-GN O T(Q F]tZO2f
简体字???? [/quote]
,qy$Q,]|5uW+| 沒啦~~只是看不慣吧了~

twh1110 發表於 2005-9-1 10:12 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]neptune1122[/i] at 2005-9-1 10:11 PM:
;F^"C5H2J"f3k&m.gQ(V0@ R m&P7iy/hr0V3iD_)b
沒啦~~只是看不慣吧了~ [/quote]
2E.r.El T6^:{f 立仔~:P

neptune1122 發表於 2005-9-1 10:12 PM


tenmadio 發表於 2005-9-1 10:15 PM

hihi neptune

月月鳥 發表於 2005-9-1 10:16 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]tenmadio[/i] at 2005-9-1 10:15 PM:?4Iz@(B1@n
hihi neptune [/quote]
h6{,C`tdV(In%`C hihi~~bad bad dog

neptune1122 發表於 2005-9-1 10:17 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]tenmadio[/i] at 10:15 PM 22:15:
:LAa$c P0]#k(h0n hihi neptune [/quote]
VJ-K e@x hi~~

tenmadio 發表於 2005-9-1 10:20 PM

hihi bad bad moon mooon:{^+BjoY8\pr
hihi tt
\3v:Gt J hihi leftyas*VZy1m cMd
hihi wer/byye
W7vBAQ u.M hihi abcde

tenmadio 發表於 2005-9-1 10:25 PM

其實你地為何想成為 moderator geh?

twh1110 發表於 2005-9-1 10:28 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]tenmadio[/i] at 2005-9-1 10:25 PM: MrK;o1lT#Z&i|0W
其實你地為何想成為 moderator geh? [/quote]|y|!sU;o"O
[color=White]有強權~冇公理~[/color]N]ho g6d^

tenmadio 發表於 2005-9-1 10:29 PM


月月鳥 發表於 2005-9-1 10:32 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]tenmadio[/i] at 2005-9-1 10:29 PM:&Zd_ Km;] jO2v
我好想知.... [/quote]
6{)^1\&x;wS~ 知d咩啊!_!

左輪仔 發表於 2005-9-1 10:33 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]tenmadio[/i] at 2005-9-1 22:25:
C"] t'g;QMS-U B 其實你地為何想成為 moderator geh? [/quote],N+qS8P;f

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