娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

kakeidevil 發表於 2006-1-10 01:11 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]ckyckk[/i] at 2006-1-10 01:10 PM:5@+v yb@NpIWb

d(d]X!l a only $ 56 [/quote]
)}zdjo l_)s
'NQ7h?-h-G3f0S not have:(:(^[Cv;O N

CHECSS 發表於 2006-1-10 01:11 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]ckyckk[/i] at 2006/1/10 13:09:A4YT@6@h

:k:PDH)R+{ b;T 到期?:D [/quote] E7V0esO^1X
2-16 :(

ckyckk 發表於 2006-1-10 01:12 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kakeidevil[/i] at 2006-1-10 01:10 PM:
roHZ"qp q9v CI6r%S
S$U_V K/Q ] i
佢想做版主 [/quote]
0]8rV'H~9[;E 冇興趣,自由人最好,我處理人際關係麻麻:(

155220 發表於 2006-1-10 01:12 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]CHECSS[/i] at 2006-1-10 13:11:)U:@a E'[`a

_g;jSRZ 2-16 :( [/quote]b+d ws'w-io B
1 month only:(p3fUJ)yu
can't download many thing:(

CHECSS 發表於 2006-1-10 01:13 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]155220[/i] at 2006/1/10 13:11:
_.F4D,w l+f
%HOi+@M3i me too [/quote]|II\/[*^
don't be silly la , i can't , mic86 can't kax can't , you can :o

155220 發表於 2006-1-10 01:13 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kakeidevil[/i] at 2006-1-10 13:11:
F Z1PD%t/g4S|@e1uZ
|l7@'_`'D /w ~gK3[Qi
not have:(:(
S8Zl6g \$a
b @o$W(M2yO|B 生活o係貧窮線下 [/quote]W&j V!_P-u

R!p[d%^8Oo&w1M me either:(

155220 發表於 2006-1-10 01:13 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]CHECSS[/i] at 2006-1-10 13:13:
A EV!X yt'd'@X .tc^i;G gI
don't be silly la , i can't , mic86 can't kax can't , you can :o [/quote]
/I)~0V'Y4c%` but i still want to be:o

CHECSS 發表於 2006-1-10 01:13 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kakeidevil[/i] at 2006/1/10 13:10:
e1J2X B^8DP)D;T
j#q#L"B ^fz qd9P A*@_`?#T

2d3A4M'k0] esX 佢想做版主 [/quote]$Q8tnz-n
yes , HKB , sport , 02 , joke .................. :D

kakeidevil 發表於 2006-1-10 01:14 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]ckyckk[/i] at 2006-1-10 01:12 PM:
y"QGKGtD"?L ? Y xv)V#[fq5N-`+{
冇興趣,自由人最好,我處理人際關係麻麻:( [/quote]
T$^OF0^&w0SrV 2yU%OB"cj

155220 發表於 2006-1-10 01:14 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]CHECSS[/i] at 2006-1-10 13:11:'Z4O\{ @6m3}L
注冊 not enough 3 months you have 30xx pts la (but you only earn 20-40/30xxpts by youself) :mad: [/quote]&VO%zu7L
63 ar:D

ckyckk 發表於 2006-1-10 01:14 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kakeidevil[/i] at 2006-1-10 01:11 PM:
jK.V {kE
*{4h_l j%IsTNh2T )uP2LJ XD6MZ6m
q,q3Z:P YfZp
not have:(:(J }z/~WO

cP ~W0E8C 生活o係貧窮線下 [/quote]
U*{%eK9@7x A#Q8x!v are you student??

gergermen 發表於 2006-1-10 01:14 PM


155220 發表於 2006-1-10 01:15 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]CHECSS[/i] at 2006-1-10 13:13:
v4u$x }&y k+r*Bp.ZJ`
yes , [color=Red]HKB[/color] , sport , 02 , joke .................. :D [/quote]
6H1S_2Ra ;@j*vq BLc G?fg
u need to wait for 5 years

ckyckk 發表於 2006-1-10 01:15 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]CHECSS[/i] at 2006-1-10 01:13 PM:2o@.v-lJC@} F@
O0wBv7\T u
yes , HKB , sport , 02 , joke .................. :D [/quote]
__6P(T1U 做版主有咩好??:o

kakeidevil 發表於 2006-1-10 01:16 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]155220[/i] at 2006-1-10 01:13 PM:
:MseU)C$B`#m T7N 7x)v/P \ i0fu3r'ls

%N)^ U2G&f s me either:( [/quote]6F A9fKWN2hO

!tMj)fe 3LX6_se'l
([color=Red]同是天涯淪落人[/color] 在這傷心者通道上同行 也許不必知道我是誰
,t)o$P.cw/^&uX't 無謂令你令你令你令你令你令你令你令你.......................)

155220 發表於 2006-1-10 01:16 PM

88 la,see u at 4 p.m.:P

ckyckk 發表於 2006-1-10 01:16 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]gergermen[/i] at 2006-1-10 01:14 PM::s@y!Xi1g
咁你更新咗上面條LINK嘅內容先嘞 [/quote]
[;h&V1P_;Y/f xd qm 喵~~which link??:P

kakeidevil 發表於 2006-1-10 01:17 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]ckyckk[/i] at 2006-1-10 01:14 PM:
Kn C&Ar"W/{ _E \ are you student?? [/quote]
P4m;w_-} no,I am 18

ckyckk 發表於 2006-1-10 01:18 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kakeidevil[/i] at 2006-1-10 01:17 PM:
b]'|%k9pC 4]0G x+F \ t'}(\O _
no,I am 68 [/quote],G;b9A,`oz

CHECSS 發表於 2006-1-10 01:18 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]155220[/i] at 2006/1/10 13:13:
4_O,KO0y"d6j9]\ tin t*XH8iW%wXv

sHN'JW/xY.J4Q but i still want to be:o [/quote]
.U"o+VD2M@ p mic 86 have kobe and aa and many 版主 support also have 40xx pts , 雪仔 have 軍事版 積分 450 , 注冊 2005/6/1 , i have 歷史研討站 , Barcelona fans club , 積分 1114 , 注冊 2005/6/13 ............................:(

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