摩連奴最忠心最唔計較o既部下係卡華奴就係人都知, 傳說摩連奴特登夾埋卡華奴做戲, 要佢犧牲一下, 等其他車仔球星唔夠膽為左冇得踢正選而發爛, 有卡華奴呢個人辦o係面前, 基斯普, 胡禮仔, 加拿斯, 格連莊臣呢d 仲邊夠膽同摩連奴搞對抗呢?? [quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2005-8-21 04:28 PM:摩連奴最忠心最唔計較o既部下係卡華奴... [/quote]
:(:(:( 照你咁講 難道洛賓都係感? HAHA
自球隊高價收購胡禮菲臘斯後,洛賓的正選位置已受到動搖。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]arsenalhrs[/i] at 2005-8-21 05:37 PM:
照你咁講 難道洛賓都係感? HAHA
洛... [/quote]
摩連奴咩都做得出同up得出(除左話英女王係佢老婆) [quote]Originally posted by [i]YUEN_LOUIS[/i] at 2005-8-21 05:43 PM:
摩連奴咩都做得出同up得出(除左話英女王係佢老婆) [/quote]
打老細呢?? [quote]Originally posted by [i]abcde1918[/i] at 2005-8-21 05:47 PM:
打老細呢?? [/quote]
:D我信佢敢打老闆多詔佢敢係倫敦裸跑 [quote]Originally posted by [i]arsenalhrs[/i] at 2005-8-21 05:37 PM:
照你咁講 難道洛賓都係感? HAHA
洛... [/quote]
我覺得卡華奴係做戲o者, 冇話洛賓 wor
如果你連呢個邏輯都唔明, 都好難講落去:P:D 如果呢篇野係真既.我覺得有可能,畢竟卡華路同摩連奴共事已久,無理由開季無耐就鬧無正選而令大家面阻阻,可能真係摩連奴係度做戲....而且卡華路已經公開道歉,但洛賓果個就唔知,
唉..........真真假假,令人頭痛 [quote]Originally posted by [i]YUEN_LOUIS[/i] at 2005-8-21 05:27 PM:
:(:(:( [/quote]
事實上阿仙奴真係有球員認為車路士軍心不穩而鬆懈 [quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2005-8-22 04:21 AM:
事實上阿仙奴真係有球員認為車路士軍心不穩而鬆懈 [/quot]
同意~ 好有見地!
Robben - I didn't criticise Mourinho
Dutch winger Arjen Robben today denied he had spoken out over coach Jose Mourinho's controversial rotational policy.Robben's remarks, appearing to criticise Mourinho's controversial policy at Stamford Bridge, were reported in Saturday's morning papers.
But the Dutch international has now strenuously rejected accusations he is unhappy with the system which worked so well for Chelsea when they won the Barclays Premiership title last season.
In a statement, issued through the club's official website, Robben said:[color=Red] 'I would like to make clear that I completely deny making any critical comments attributed to me this morning about the manager's selection policy at Chelsea.[/color]
[color=Red]'I have only given one interview this week, which is published tomorrow.'[/color]
Robben was quoted as saying: 'If you play two or three matches and one match is bad, you are immediately on the bench and that's not good.
'It's bad for a player's self-confidence because you can't get a rhythm. The problem now is that if you have a dip in form or play badly then you are immediately replaced.
'I believe we should build the team round a fixed group and if the policy is to be continuous substitution then I don't like it.'
But the flying winger has now told the club he is unaware of the origin of such comments and went on to say: 'I know there is competition for places at Chelsea and that you have to perform to justify your place with so many good players at the club.
'Obviously I would like to play every game but at a club like Chelsea that is not always going to happen. I understand that and respect the decisions of the manager.'
Robben moved swiftly to clear the air at the end of a week when Mourinho had a massive fall-out with defender Ricardo Carvalho.
The Portuguese player had publicly criticised his manager for leaving him out of the Community Shield clash with Arsenal and the Barclays Premiership opener with Wigan last Sunday.
Carvalho's comments angered Mourinho, who had explained his decisions to the player the day before the clash with Wigan.
The Chelsea chief then humiliated Carvalho in front of the rest of the squad and new signing Michael Essien at a team meeting - forcing Carvalho to issue a public apology for his comments via the club's official website.
Robben is not expected to face any disciplinary action from Mourinho after attempting to clear the air over his alleged remarks through his statement. 係你地諗..定真係有news咁講呀?
雖然我都唔太信第二場波就有人話冇正選踢唔開心 [quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2005-8-22 09:53 PM:
雖然我都唔太信第二場波就有人話冇正選踢唔開心 [/quote]
算la......就算不和都咁鬼有運 如果係真嘅話,車仔(出口術)嘅組織能力冠絕英超 !!!
可能暗中卡華路有 球會罰款 x2 嘅 bonus ~ (just kidding!) [quote]Originally posted by [i]cthim83[/i] at 2005-8-22 10:40 PM:
如果係真嘅話,車仔(出口術)嘅組織能力冠絕英超 !!!
可能暗中卡華路有 球會罰款 x2 嘅 bonus ~ (just kidding!) [/quote]
wa........打勝仗封侯咁牙?? [quote]Originally posted by [i]cthim83[/i] at 2005-8-22 10:40 PM:
如果係真嘅話,車仔(出口術)嘅組織能力冠絕英超 !!!
可能暗中卡華路有 球會罰款 x2 嘅 bonus ~ (just kidding!) [/quote]
卡華奴加盟到車仔已經係佢最大好處, 如果當初皇馬買左佢, 車仔買左森美爾, 命運可能唔同 [quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2005-8-24 02:09 AM:
卡華奴加盟到車仔已經係佢最大好處, 如果當初皇馬買左佢, 車仔買左森美爾, 命運可能唔同 [/quote]
但係卡華奴加盟車仔都係摩佬帶 [quote]Originally posted by [i]YUEN_LOUIS[/i] at 2005-8-21 17:43:
摩連奴咩都做得出同up得出(除左話英女王係佢老婆) [/quote]