好球員要放o係o岩位置度就要靠領隊功力, 好似當年李安納度就因為踢左後衛埋沒左佢o既創造力 vieira由前鋒變防中 古莊臣變防中????? 有d選擇唔算轉型,只不過佢地踢法百搭,洛賓ML>MR etc.亨利轉型絕對係經典,雲格既功力果然利害,將從前一名只懂勇往直前衝既右翼改造為前鋒~依家仲可以為隊友穿針引線,冇得頂 Henry, from a useless wing giveup by Juventus to a world class striker in Arsenal 除亨利之外,較特別既有史密夫由前鋒轉為防中,佢既轉型就有待見證~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]tkk2p[/i] at 2005-8-22 12:07 AM:
有d選擇唔算轉型,只不過佢地踢法百搭,... [/quote]
我覺得洛賓打右翼超型, 扣來扣去, 明知佢好大機會唔用右腳都俾佢過, 寸爆 [quote]Originally posted by [i]tkk2p[/i] at 2005-8-22 12:09 AM:
除亨利之外,較特別既有史密夫由前鋒轉為防中,佢既轉型就有待見證~ [/quote]
我覺得費 sir 最終都要買人代替堅尼, coz smith 點都唔夠級數 [quote]Originally posted by [i]kerr[/i] at 2005-8-21 11:59 PM:
vieira由前鋒變防中 [/quote]
韋拉打前鋒出身架咩? my choice
布朗 - 正選 -> 後備
haha [quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2005-8-22 01:00 AM:
my choice
布朗 - 正選 -> 後備
haha [/quote]
哈~正呀~ **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** but now henry is just a piece of crap...(my own opinion)
watch his match vs Boro and Chelsea.
he just think he's the best and hold up the ball every time, but doing nothing. when he makes a bad pass, he just critises his teamates for not running but never thinks that he passes the ball poorly.
he shouldn't be the playmaker of arsenal coz he doesn't hv the ability! wenger let him to be the captain and he become more proud than before.
the only thing he can do is finishing only. he cannot help setting up offenses. he should stay at the front and never goes to the mid-field line. 點解無高路托尼既?
我覺得佢真係轉型轉得真係唔錯喎 [quote]Originally posted by [i]單字一個撚[/i] at 2005-8-22 01:18 AM:
我覺得佢真係轉型轉得真係唔錯喎 [/quote]
佢本身係咩 [quote]Originally posted by [i]lookityourself[/i] at 2005-8-22 01:36 AM:
佢本身係咩 [/quote]
雲加話佢本身冇固定位置, so 到依家都唔會限死佢打一個位置
but 佢o係國內球會踢中場, 國家隊踢中堅 [quote]Originally posted by [i]anttiniemi2000[/i] at 2005-8-22 01:18 AM:
but now henry is just a piece of cr... [/quote]
我覺得要評亨利係咪真係如你所認為的退步,起碼要踢完上半季先… [quote]Originally posted by [i]迷途小羔羊[/i] at 2005-8-22 01:42 AM:
但亨利既助攻... [/quote]
其實韋拉走左......佢同希比係陣中唯一既playmaker c 朗啦。調左去側面發揮都大左。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-8-22 02:29 AM:
c 朗啦。調左去側面發揮都大左。 [/quote]