雲達沙 v.s 施治
今季邊個失波最少.......我支持小雲.. 唔俾拉爾拿(reina)ga , 佢都未失波^^ How many goals a team loses really depends on the defence line and even the whole team and not just the keeper... so by looking at the quality of the defence and the general performance of the whole squad is really just between Man U and Chelsea this season... but I think Chelsea's defence is really top class and they'll probably win again so Cech will probably let through less goals My pridection, cech will concide less goals but man u will win the leauge!! 施治 sure win la:cool: 我認為打和… 兩個一樣咁勁= =" Cech ~ Van Der SarChelsea D > Man U D 重要睇埋邊隊條防線穩定d喎 施治好似勁d 今年雲達沙好似幾穩,不過可能受既威脅少,施治就真係勁喇......= =" 有數據啦
到目前為止, 雲達沙, 施治, 連拿 都無失球在手
雲達沙: 5球
施治 : 11球 =.=
連拿 : 2球
由此可見 利記同曼魚既防守 都好過車仔,
不過係雲利亞里個時醒目, 係捷克買個施治番黎... in truth, Arsene Wenger is the first person to find out how's great for Cech.. but.. he was bad luck that, he couldn't buy him due to work permission........ [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-8-29 11:31 AM:
in truth, Arsene Wenger is the first person to find out how's great for Cech.. but.. he was bad luck that, he couldn't buy him due to work permission........ [/quote]
咁點解車仔又買倒o既?? Because when Arsene was willing to buy him, he was playing in a team under Czech Republic..
then Arsene couldn't buy him, a French team bought him......
so a year later on, Chelsea bought him in that French team.. if my memory is right... [quote]Originally posted by [i]Dicksonheng[/i] at 2005-8-29 11:09 AM:
到目前為止, 雲達沙, 施治,... [/quote]
事實上,車路士中場有林柏特、馬基列尼、杜夫、洛賓及胡禮菲臘斯等球星在陣,組成一條堪稱全英超最強的中場,不但攻力強勁,亦由於控制了中場,車路士後防變得相當輕鬆,從而令球隊迄今保持零失球。難怪[color=Blue]摩連奴亦豪言﹕「我認為施治每仗只需作出一次撲救便完成任務。」[/color] 佢吹水 你又信 =.= [quote]Originally posted by [i]迷途小羔羊[/i] at 2005-8-29 02:00 PM:
但我... [/quote]
洗唔洗咁認真.......有邊個唔知佢講笑 [quote]Originally posted by [i]lookityourself[/i] at 2005-8-29 02:04 PM:
洗唔洗咁認真.......有邊個唔知佢講笑 [/quote]
英超領隊 除左 賓尼迪斯同艾拿保斯之外
個個都係吹水唔抹嘴架啦.... [quote]Originally posted by [i]lookityourself[/i] at 2005-8-29 02:04 PM:
洗唔洗咁認真.......有邊個唔知佢講笑 [/quote]