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buengland 發表於 2005-8-30 02:34 PM

領隊攻略 : 費格遜如何處理大牌球星



坦白講, 我睇曼聯好大程度都係因為有費格遜

Enjoy it!

[color=Red][size=4]FERGIE TAUGHT ME HOW TO HANDLE BIG EGOS Aug 14 2005[/size][/color]

Exclusive By Ralph Ellis

STEVE BRUCE can still recall the first week Eric Cantona strutted into Old Trafford and began breaking the rules.

No jacket. No tie. That famous turned-up collar and an air of rebellious arrogance. The attitude that the club should be grateful he was there.

What Bruce didn't realise was that he was about to get a master-class from Sir Alex Ferguson in the art of handling top players.

Bruce, the rugged, down-to- earth defender has come to learn that the key skill for a Premiership boss is not a mastery of tactics or coaching techniques, but the ability to massage and manage the egos in the dressing room.

Bruce said: "The biggest difference between being a manager in the Premiership and the levels below it is in the mentality of the players.

"What makes somebody a big player in the first place is that they've got an ego. They have something about them that makes them stand out.

"You don't get to be good enough to play at this level without that attitude and, the bigger the player you are, the more self belief you have.

"Make no mistake, the hardest part in management at this level is the handling of the players as people.

[color=Navy][size=4]"You have to be able to command respect, and you don't win that only by having had a career yourself.[/size][/color]

[color=Navy][size=4]"You have to understand what makes each player tick, and you have to be able to win respect.[/size][/color]

[color=Red][size=4]"My couple of medals might win me something with a player the first time I give him a team talk or take a coaching session, but after that it's all about whether you've got him on your side."

Ferguson won Cantona's respect by treating him differently and letting him break the rules.

Cantona won Manchester United's respect by leading them to Premiership titles.[/size][/color]

Bruce recalled: "Watching Sir Alex deal with Cantona was quite incredible. He used to say to us, 'Don't worry, he will win you the game on Saturday, he is that good'.

"You then had the rest of the players waiting to see what was so special, and why he was allowed to be different and whether he was that good.

"The great thing about Eric was that when it came to Saturday, he was there for you and he DID win you the game.

"It meant that the other players loved him, because we knew when match day came he would be there for us and would lead us.

"Sir Alex knew just how to inspire him and that what mattered most, and still matters most in any dressing room, is what happens on a Saturday at three o'clock."

Those lessons helped Bruce survive last season's traumatic time when his efforts to bring in star players failed to get him results.

But that has failed to deter him and says he is still star gazing as he tries to strengthen the side again. He said: "In the first two years I was here, we deliberately went for people who fitted a profile.

"They made us difficult to beat, difficult to break down and difficult to play against.

"But if we were to progress in the Premier League we had to try to change, and that was why we bought the likes of Emile Heskey and Jesper Gronkjaer.

"People thought it would just happen, but to integrate five new players into one team was just too much, no matter how good they were.

"Even so, it hasn't stopped us following that path again this summer and that's why we've gone for more big players like Nicky Butt, Walter Pandiani and Mikael Forssell.

"By the end of the last season I said I was exhausted from the stress and strain but here we are again and I can't wait to get started - egos and all."

我‧愛‧你 發表於 2005-8-30 02:37 PM


buengland 發表於 2005-8-30 02:41 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]我‧愛‧你[/i] at 2005-8-30 14:37:
...我要一路睇一路自已譯..好麻煩 [/quote]


Hope you could still enjoy part of it laa, Man

fkualexander 發表於 2005-8-30 03:21 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]我‧愛‧你[/i] at 2005-8-30 02:37 PM:
...我要一路睇一路自已譯..好麻煩 [/quote]


buengland 發表於 2005-8-30 04:16 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]fkualexander[/i] at 2005-8-30 15:21:

[url]http://hk.search.yahoo.com/language/?t=&fr=FP-tab-web-t-151[/url] [/quote]



清揚 發表於 2005-8-30 10:28 PM


fffffa 發表於 2005-8-30 11:50 PM


坦白講, 我憎曼聯好大程度都係因為有費格遜

abc123aa 發表於 2005-8-30 11:57 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]fffffa[/i] at 2005-8-30 11:50 PM:

坦白講, 我憎曼聯好大程度都係因為有費格遜 [/quote]

清揚 發表於 2005-8-31 10:22 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]abc123aa[/i] at 2005-8-30 23:57:

係囉,用私人感情賣走碧咸,公私不分,冇考慮球隊是否需要他,令到曼聯既成績及表現下降~:( [/quote]

buengland 發表於 2005-8-31 11:47 AM


其實我都同意費sir 前幾年都做過吾少錯誤決定

例如sell beckham, stam,
buy 贊巴, 基巴臣, forlan etc.....
仲有上年既排陣, 連佢自已都承認做左好多錯決定

不過以佢以往取得的成績, 我覺得佢排陣, 買新人, 操隊波, 都有一定見樹的 (當然前兩年真的有些問題, 我估佢梗係以前嬴得多得濟上左腦, 攪到前季李澳坐波監, 又吾揾個勁人替, 同成日排贊巴, 或者基巴臣 etc etc etc 果啲出嚟對弱隊, 結果輸晒)

好似以前專揾舒靈咸同蘇斯克查做大後備, 仲要成七十幾八十分先換出嚟, 點知獲獲都入到波.....

買人方面, 買到雲佬, 郎尼, C7, 軒斯, Park 呢啲都係一級貨色 (當然都有啲華郎etc 既一級球員入到嚟之後出番去沈晒 都有), 同埋beckham 當時都話"費格遜係非常保護球員的領隊來的, 如果無左佢, 90年代既曼聯真係吾知變成咩樣"

你話佢無容人之量, 又有你道理
不過睇反以上簡東拿既事績都可以見到, "簡"一入到嚟就 "break the rule", 俾著你係已經win 個幾屆超聯既領隊, 你都會覺得慶啦, 但"費"就反而俾佢特別對待, 因為知道佢係能夠帶領曼聯的leader.....我唸呢d都算有點容人之量

不過話分兩頭, 賣beckham 就真係惡左啲 (始終beckham 都係對曼聯好忠心的)

shaqkobe 發表於 2005-8-31 01:10 PM


abc123aa 發表於 2005-8-31 01:17 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]清揚[/i] at 2005-8-31 10:22 AM:

唔好話賣走碧咸公私不分,再之前賣走史譚一樣系,補入既白籣痴更成笑話 [/quote]

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