Display card for playing fifa
game 有下列要求,please help me to know which display card is subtitable for me.I am AGP and I want a display card about $500and 128mb ram.5200or 6200or other good??
作業系統: Windows XP, Me, 2000, 或98
CPU: 700 MHz 以上
記憶體: 128 MB以上; XP/2000需256 MB
光碟機: 8x 或以上CD或DVD光碟機
硬碟空間: 1.5 GB 以上剩餘空間
顯示卡: DirectX 9.0b 相容 (見下述)
音效卡: DirectX 9.0b 相容
控制: 鍵盤、滑鼠、或手把
顯示卡需具備32 MB以上的顯示記憶體,並僅支援以下晶片組:
ATI Radeon 7500或以上
NVIDIA GeForce 2或以上
Intel i865g; SiS Xabre; Matrox Parhelia; Volari V8, Volari Duo 我用緊5200玩呢d咁普通既game絕對冇問題啦,NVIDIA GeForce 6系列仲勁,買6200梗係最好la!不過唔知而家6200賣幾錢呢?:o 兩張都唔suggest 買
5200 基本上係支援DX9 o既GF4 MX400
6200 o既TurboCache 我覺得係無用, 以用唔哂o既記憶體做顯示咭記憶體
俾我寧願買9550 which brand is good?/ I am deciding to buy MSI FX5200-TD128 or MSI RX9550-TD128
how to know whichnone is more powerful?is it the number??? what is FX and RX and RAdeon and Geforce? Nvidia 6800LE 依家 $1100-1200 都有啦 But My mother.......Please help me to think a reason to let my mother to let me buy.I am in F.5 and study computer. r0211272
我有個姪仔,買左FIFA 2005番屋企,先知玩唔到,結果要換部新機,你唔會又係咁呀嘩!
依家新廠機的VGA,是用緊2005年的入門階Display card, 即
ATI Radeon X300 SE PCI-Express Graphics (128MB DDR顯示記憶體連TV-out埠)or,
NVIDIA GeForce 6600 3D PCI-Express Graphics (256MB DDR顯示記憶體連TV-out埠及DVI功能)
RADEON X800(高階)、X600(中階)、X300(入門階/低階), GeForce 6600家族也以此出對應的產品,要留意圖表。(這是2005標準)
詳細分級見 [url=http://home.digitimes.com.tw/ShowNews.aspx?zCatId=923]PCI-E繪圖卡級別[/url]
售價見 [url=http://www.hkgolden.com/hardware_price/videocard.asp]黃金[/url]
理由:你已經買左個game, 玩唔到, 要換機, 不過換張card都已經得, 慳番d, 睇你老媽子會唔會同情你。或者,唔玩個game都得, 其實不怎麼好玩, 下次買嘢生性d, 減輕下屋企人的經濟負擔, 打工真係好受氣, 唔講比你知咋。
不過你的 motherboard support PCI-Express or not?如果唔得,只有選番2004 的 AGP Display card, 雖然玩到,但整體效果又唔夠好,所以換機係最簡單、最平的選擇。
[[i] Last edited by sohozhk on 2005-9-6 at 10:02 PM [/i]] the problemis my mother would't let me to buy it.So I want everyone to help me to think a reason to make my mother to let me buy it