兩個領隊最近都用上4-3-3, 但摩連奴好明顯係取狀態而捨名氣, 唔會同時派三個同類型o既中場上陣, 而且佢可能會犧牲奧雲選用朗尼或比亞堤打中鋒 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 未必啱,但摩佬同艾生比當然係前者好d啦,始終教國家隊唔同教球會既咁又....... in truth, when we may blame all the coaches in international team.......Think one thing: do we give enough time for the coaches to be in charge for an international team?
Indeed, normally, in 2000s, most of the players are playing in full-season, from August to May...
they may have 3 days ... to be trained before an international game...
do u think it's easy to be coached in this situation..
I am not saying Ericksson was doing great job and that's an excuse for him to be staying in England international team...
But I think it's good to think ...... things are in both sides........ I think as a club manager, he can use lots of time and matches to train a player to play different style and different positions.
However, as a national manager, he must either change the tactics to suit your players, or select the players who suit your tactics. 國家隊:難聽d限米煮限飯,例如將全球最好的教練雲集hk,都難幫hk攞世界盃 433用同類中場冇問題
佢揀d人o岩唔o岩用都係問題 唔得...一個好0既國家隊教隊,比一個好0既球會領隊更難做到,國家隊無得買人,唔係你話邊個就邊個,某個位唔掂就要變到掂,d主力傷就要有人頂...另外就係識提拔新人,國家隊比賽唔係成日有,要慢慢試,唔俾佢踢正選都起碼有後備,咁先有後生0既人接ga ma,唔係可來有經驗呀,真係叫碧咸踢到2012奧運咩...黎兩樣樣野艾歷臣都幾差... the answer in NO! very simple becoz a lot a england ppl hate him! [quote]Originally posted by [i]skjeiw[/i] at 2005-9-9 07:33 PM:
唔得...一個好0既國家隊教隊,比一個好... [/quote]
碧咸個位既接班人已經出現左,正是胡禮菲臘斯:o [quote]Originally posted by [i]abc123aa[/i] at 2005-9-9 20:08:
碧咸個位既接班人已經出現左,正是胡禮菲臘斯:o [/quote]
佢一定會比碧咸更有表現,其待他的接班!!!!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]清揚[/i] at 2005-9-9 08:14 PM:
佢一定會比碧咸更有表現,其待他的接班!!!!! [/quote]
依家黎講係,但係第時係唔係就睇佢既造化喇,但講射罰球同傳送質素佢有排學~:cool: 依家d球員有速度有射術就唔休無得踢...反而打長傳急攻勁0既人就無啖好食lu.. [quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2005-9-9 07:59 PM:
the answer in NO! very simple becoz a lot a england ppl hate him! [/quote]
你又知? 你吹水者
又係亂吹, 一見到呢D野好無癮,
我有幾個英國fd話 個度唔少人話車仔財大氣粗
但英國人向來都好大氣量, 只要[size=5]做得野[/size]就得,
而且比較開放及包容(佢地吹=.=),都係既, 佢地以前咁多殖民地, 唔包容唔得
英國人在足球方面始終在國家民族優越感上 始終都喜歡本土人做教練,
所以我認為就算係摩佬點計陣式都係無乜用 適合ge......... 揾查爾頓領隊古比士利仲好啦 無人話帶球隊好就表示帶國家隊好
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