香港36:108約旦~我上陣都勁過佢...............:( I have tried to lost 38:84 in college, just know that it is not so worst! 約旦咁勁ga!? 有乜人ga? **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** I think that's because most of the good players do not join the competition this time [quote]Originally posted by [i]azx[/i] at 2005-9-10 11:28 PM:
I think that's because most of the good players do not join the competition this time [/quote]
who r those good players?man **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]甘國武[/i] at 2005-9-10 11:50 PM:
有咩奇?香港連國內賽也包尾,國際賽當然不會例外 [/quote]
入球數字低成咁.......... ... gum ging why dont u guys take part and fight for hk???
instead of just complaining how bad hk is??? internationally hk may never be as good as a lot of teams, that's the truth and if there's anything u can prove then prove it! 點解會輸到咁悲哀ga...........
香港隊都拎到杯wo........... 香港出個陣容太差了...........大部份都係學生lei ga~~~~~
gum 只有找個d 仲係學生gei甲組o靚仔打lor~~~~~
有30幾分好好la.............約旦好似西亞最勁ga~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]nashisthebestpg[/i] at 2005-9-11 02:26 AM:
香港隊都拎到杯wo........... [/quote]
仲有ar.........今次亞籃同上次香港工商盃香港隊個陣容比較.......好似有11個球員唔同左la **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** oh my gosh.............. [quote]Originally posted by [i]甘國武[/i] at 2005-9-11 08:35 AM:
你... [/quote]
Yes HK also won US! **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]chicken[/i] at 2005-9-11 11:42 AM:
Yes HK also won US! [/quote]
唔好講國家隊,我諗美國嘅大學校隊分分鐘都可以大勝香港 香港長久以來至出現一個宋方。現在都吾代表香港,香港中鋒實力怎樣。而且派副選球員吸收下大賽經驗,輸就正常既,最緊要已經盡力。
反而港足輸俾國足那次,我才真覺他們侮辱了自己,香港恥辱 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 ****