佢可唔可以承認自己嘅錯誤呀 : ( 如果朗尼d紀律真係咁有問題,艾歷臣身為領隊係咪應該換佢出場呀,冇一個朗尼唔洗死啫 [quote]Originally posted by [i]cthim83[/i] at 2005-9-13 01:02 AM:
艾力歷為保烏紗,竟然公開譴責朗尼嘅... [/quote]
講真果句啦,有邊個教練錯左會認嫁.....不過全世界人有睇果場波都心知邊個錯啦:D [quote]Originally posted by [i]ciger[/i] at 2005-9-13 01:07 AM:
如果朗尼d紀律真係咁有問題,艾歷臣身為領隊係咪應該換佢出場呀,冇一個朗尼唔洗死啫 [/quote]
咪係= =" I think Rooney needs to take his responsibility. No matter how well he play in the game, how many goals he score in a game, he still need to obey the regulation. It's not the first time for him to do such thing, so he should be confessed about his mistakes and improve his temper.
a striker in Hong Kong has temper just like him, who is Chan Siu Kay. Hope that he can improve his temper too. [quote]Originally posted by [i]abc123aa[/i] at 2005-9-13 00:35:
咪係,呢d咁既人.......比著佢果場係代表曼聯出賽,你估佢夠彊同堅尼開拖咩= =" [/quote]
不過原來佢兩個最初都係打過拳過喎 [quote]Originally posted by [i]buengland[/i] at 2005-9-13 09:58 AM:
不過原來佢兩個最初都係打過拳過喎 [/quote]
如果係打,堅尼打死佢都似= ="