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Pharaoh 發表於 2005-9-22 10:22 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]adamjacky123[/i] at 2005-9-22 09:07 PM:

你係阿仙奴fans?有d影衰阿仙奴wo...= ="(luckily,I'm fans of Manu and Wigan...)

作為一個 MU fans, 都冇對 Arsenal 落井下石, 值得尊敬!

brightlee 發表於 2005-9-22 10:52 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Pharaoh[/i] at 2005-9-23 00:22:

作為一個 MU fans, 都冇對 Arsenal 落井下石, 值得尊敬! [/quote]

adamjacky123, worth for +3!

[[i] Last edited by brightlee on 2005-9-23 at 12:53 AM [/i]]

Dicksonheng 發表於 2005-9-22 11:06 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]adamjacky123[/i] at 2005-9-22 09:07 PM:


reyes,van pers... [/quote]

雲格 睇人的確非常之叻
但 向來都唔係 球隊的精神支柱

adamjacky123 發表於 2005-9-23 12:03 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Dicksonheng[/i] at 2005-9-22 11:06 PM:

雲格 睇人的確非常之叻
但 向來都唔係 球隊的精神支柱
反而費格遜同摩連奴就有呢份魅力 [/quote]

費格遜同摩連奴..........一個似醉酒佬...一個似賊= ="

lliu 發表於 2005-9-23 02:36 AM

If Wenger wasn't at Arsenal, I don't think Arsenal will bulit that new stadium.......

I think he is a very clever manager, cos he don't throw 26 million to buy a player like Essien...

I don't know why some people said he should be sacked.

I would prefer to keep Wenger than keeping any player at Arsenal.

He will get his reward after they move to the new stadium.....

F.king 發表於 2005-9-23 08:55 AM

For this topic
Henry is one of the best stirker in the world, I understand that everyone would focus on his future and choice. Now Henry has good income and a team which is suit to him, I don't think that he wants to change a lot.
Of course, I believe that Henry now care about his achieverments more than money. I don't know what Henry will choose in the future. Even though I hope Henry can get more champions and now Asenal's level is not high enough to do that, I still want Henry can stay in Arsenal...

For Wenger,
Wenger is a really manager
everyone knows that he can buy good,  and young players in a good price
In my opinion,
Wenger tried his best to find new players already.
when I saw the news during summer
Wenger had tried to buy some new players and I believe everyone knew that
however, some of them rejected to go to Arsenal
and I don't think Wenger should use this reason to go to find some players that  he think those is not suit to Arsenal.
therefore, I comprehend Wenger only buy a few players.
Also, Arsenal is still very good in last season, why some people already start to think about fire Wenger for losing two games.

skjeiw 發表於 2005-9-23 05:27 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]adamjacky123[/i] at 2005-9-22 09:07 PM:


reyes,van pers... [/quote]


[[i] Last edited by skjeiw on 2005-9-23 at 05:29 PM [/i]]

adamjacky123 發表於 2005-9-23 05:32 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]skjeiw[/i] at 2005-9-23 05:27 PM:

你數晒都無用架...其他球員都無個穩定,無乜邊個有級數...anyway...hope個新球場搞好之後,買多d好球員... [/quote]

= =??無個穩定??you mean all?






lookityourself 發表於 2005-9-23 05:45 PM


adamjacky123 發表於 2005-9-23 06:19 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]lookityourself[/i] at 2005-9-23 05:45 PM:
兩三季後一定係收成期 [/quote]


幾m bid返來...幾十m bid返出去= ="

abcde1918 發表於 2005-9-23 06:21 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-9-22 06:48 PM:
阿仙奴無埋亨利就真係唔駛玩。 [/quote]

pc20001103b 發表於 2005-9-25 05:45 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]adamjacky123[/i] at 2005-9-23 00:03:

費格遜同摩連奴..........一個似醉酒佬...一個似賊= =" [/quote]

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