李輝立實開心到死, 實會話, 俾你早d 備戰咪又係俾人炒....
佢心諗, 依家聯賽同亞協都輸三球, 睇下d 球迷仲敢唔敢咁惡 [/quote]
如果佢真係咁諗,佢真係一個人渣 !:mad: hk football is so pity and poor that many hk people dislike to watch anymore [quote]Originally posted by [i]cthim83[/i] at 2005-9-29 11:39 PM:
如果佢真係咁諗,佢真係一個人渣 !:mad: [/quote]
唔洗激動 始終唔明點解足總同球會唔全力支持...
果陣南韓踢世界盃,比左大半年國家隊練,乜野都讓路... [quote]Originally posted by [i]tkk2p[/i] at 2005-10-1 00:43:
果陣南韓踢世界盃,比左大半年國家隊練,乜野都讓路... [/quote]
真係完全唔明,可能唔抵得晨曦hill掛。怕人地覺得佢無到。 hope they can at least win la~ is rare that hk team perform so well! [quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2005-10-1 12:25:
hope they can at least win la~ is rare that hk team perform so well! [/quote]