法國領隊唔肯過佢呢,點都要有後備,必要時都可以出吖 [/quote]
佢復出果時自己都講過,任務係帶球隊入決賽週咋喎!!以佢依家既年齡同身体狀況,仲要兼顧球會、國家隊,想擺多兩年都唔得。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-10-4 01:42:
佢復出果時自己都講過,任務係帶球隊入決賽週咋喎!!以佢依家既年齡同身体狀況,仲要兼顧球會、國家隊,想擺多兩年都唔得。 [/quote]
佢夠話唔會復出啦,結果你有眼睇啦 西班牙岩佢踢...科蘭已經過左去好好啦
英超 太快 快體力化喇
技術形球員踢西班牙會好d [quote]Originally posted by [i]Beckham4072[/i] at 2005-10-4 12:39 PM:
英超 太快 快體力化喇
技術形球員踢西班牙會好d [/quote]
但係戰術上佢未必得:( [quote]Originally posted by [i]YUEN_LOUIS[/i] at 2005-10-4 12:44 PM:
但係戰術上佢未必得:( [/quote]
分分鐘好過大師兄 i have a question mark in my head, where is the news coming from?
Media from China? or Spain? [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-10-4 12:59 PM:
i have a question mark in my head, where is the news coming from?
Media from China? or Spain? [/quote]
唔知呀 我負責傳架咋 [quote]Originally posted by [i]Beckham4072[/i] at 2005-10-4 15:06:
唔知呀 我負責傳架咋 [/quote]
Well, I am not Thierry Henry (of cos, he couldn't read Chinese)
But if you post something, think about that... the resources is coming from where, is it reliable?
Look at Antonio Reyes last year.... there were so many flake news that he was going back to Real Madrid (even in soccernet and British media)
Did he really speak out at that time he would like to leave?
and that's just "blow water"
He signed for 5 years deal now......
Think about the situation for Henry now.
They(soccer players) maybe not looking similar as your point of views as you think............ [quote]Originally posted by [i]Beckham4072[/i] at 2005-10-4 12:56:
分分鐘好過大師兄 [/quote]
如果法國夠膽一早唔出c丹in europe04,可能係輸到乜咁,