問女仔, 男網友可問女朋友
女仔想自己的男人係一個奴才但係有權有勢, 定係有氣節, 不過成日得罪權貴, 所以無錢無權 I'm not a girlbut I guess they would only like the man that is 有氣節 and 有權有勢 [quote]Originally posted by [i]slwong3[/i] at 2005-10-15 12:54 PM:
I'm not a girl
but I guess they would only like the man that is 有氣節 and 有權有勢 [/quote]
不過如果我咁勁, 我就去追明星lu [quote]Originally posted by [i]research2005010[/i] at 15-10-2005 14:44:
不過如果我咁勁, 我就去追明星lu [/quote]